10 Best Hulu Alternatives To Watch Movies Online

Today, you will know the best Hulu alternatives 2023. I’m sure you know what is Hulu, it’s expensive and region-specific! In this list, you’ll find cheaper (free) and globally available alternatives to Hulu for live TV. 

These will let you stream movies/TV shows and a lot more. In most cases, you get to choose the quality of the video as well. 

If you’re short on time and need a faster answer, I’ll say there’s nothing better than Amazon Prime Video when it comes to Hulu live TV alternatives. However, I’d urge you to keep reading if you’d like more options. 

The 10 Best Hulu Alternatives 2023

These are the alternatives to Hulu you’ll find here:

  • Amazon Prime Video- Best, 30-day free trial
  • Netflix
  • Yesmovies 
  • Flixtor
  • Soap2Day
  • MoviesJoy
  • Putlocker
  • M4U
  • CineB
  • Fmovies. 

Jump right in. 

How to prevent ads/malware and identity tracking

While these Hulu alternatives are safe, you can’t ever be 100% sure. It’s especially easy to get you to download malware/viruses on these sites as you’ll be using search-boxes, clicking on multiple links and so on. 

Moreover, the “legality” of the content on these sites is always doubtful. As such, it’s best if you can hide your identity while streaming movies and shows. Generally, these websites, their owners and any other third-party snooping on you knows exactly where you’re located, the device you use, your screen-resolution and a lot more. 

Furthermore, some of these sites may be blocked in your region/institute/school etc. 

Finally, these sites will kill you with ads. Before you reach your destination, you’d have to close dozens if not hundreds of tabs. Hidden scripts launch unwanted ads and popups all the time. 

Here are a few tools and tips that help you with all the problems listed above. 

  1. Download NordVPN. It’s the cheapest and yet the strongest VPN I’ve used. It hides your identities, blocks viruses/malware, blocks ads and unblocks any blocks placed on these sites. For more details, refer to this NordVPN review.
  2. Download Brave browser. It’s a browser that’s basically Google Chrome, but it doesn’t trace/track you. However, the most important benefit is that it blocks any and all ads. It’s free.

Let’s get streaming then.

Legal disclaimer 

We have not verified the legality of the sites mentioned below (except for Amazon Prime Video and Netflix). It’s solely your (the reader’s) responsibility to assess the legality of the sites & their content before proceeding further. 

1. Amazon Prime Video 

Website: https://www.primevideo.com/


I’m certain there’s no one here who hasn’t heard of Amazon Prime Video (unless you’re an alien). 

It’s arguably the best and without doubt atleast the 2nd best, most popular, most content-rich alternatives to Hulu.

As the name suggests, it’s a OTT streaming platform from Amazon. As such, all of its content is licensed, legal and ultra-high definition. 

As for content recency, most content in the theaters is realeased here in a few days. Even better, movie houses are now even releasing OTT-exlusive or Amazon Prime-exclusive content. These movies and shows are here even before they hit the theaters (if they ever do).

Amazon Prime even produces its own movies/shows that you won’t find anywhere else.

Another benefit is OTT requires much less (or none) censorship and hence the content here is often unfiltered, raw and original without those “beep” sounds. 

There of course are no ads. The video player is pretty advanced as well. You do get to control the quality of the videos. There’s in-built subtitles for nearly all the movies/shows. In most cases, you’ll also get officially dubbed audio that you can switch between in a single click. 

One of its most interesting and unique features is its “X-ray” feature. As the movie progresses, new characters/actors get introduced, don’t they?

At the top-left there’s an “X-Ray” button. Clicking on it reveals a biography and lot more about each character that has been introduced in the movie so far. 

Also, unlike other popular OTT platforms, Amazon Prime doesn’t charge you based on the “number of devices”. Each account can stream on 3 devices at the same time. Again, it allows 2 devices to stream the same content which no other similar tool offers. 

It has official apps for both Android and iOS. You can also simply stream on your browser. 

With Amazon Prime, you also get tons of added benefits from the e-commerce giant Amazon. Free delivery, one-day delivery, access to sales sooner than others, access to Amazon Music and so much more. 

The best part? You can get 30 days of free Amazon Prime right away! Even after that, you get a 50% discount if you’re a student! Go give it at try, what have you go to to lose?

2. Netflix 

Website: https://www.netflix.com/


No list of Hulu alternatives is complete without mentioning Netflix, is it? To be honest, I’m conflicted between Amazon Prime and Netflix as far as “the best” option goes. 

However, Amazon Prime Video clearly has a few benefits over Netflix and it’s cheaper. Anyway, Netflix too has some of the best content on the planet. It too has the most recent titles as soon as they’re legally obtained. 

Moreover, Netflix too produces “Netflix Original” content (e.g. Stranger Things, Dark, Narcos etc.) that just took the world by a storm. 

Quality is never an issue and you get the best print that’s available for the movie/show. Of course, you do get to control the quality in case you’re on a limited bandwidth plan. 

Yes, in-built subtitles as well as audio in multiple languages is official for most content. The two major drawbacks for me are its device limit and quality-limit.

Depending on your plan, you’ll be able to stream movies/shows on X no. of devices and the maximum quality of the videos too is plan-dependent. 

Moreover, Netflix recently implemented the password-sharing ban which means it’s harder for you to share your account with friends/family if you don’t physically live together.

Apps for both iOS and Android are available. The plans sure are a bit more expensive than what Amazon Prime offers. 

3. Yesmovies

Webste: https://yesmovies9.com/


So far the alternatives to Hulu listed above are paid options. No one likes paying money, do you? Hence, the options I list next will all be free. 

Yesmovies lets you stream movies and shows, absolutely free. You can easily find the content you’re looking for using “genres”, “movies” and “TV series” as well as “featured” filters.

The video player does have a few intresting features. For starters, its in-built subtitles in over a dozen languages make binging interesting. You can even upload your own subtitles in case you ever need to. 

You also get to control the playback speed and quite a lot at that. You can watch it as slowly as 0.5x or as fast as 4x. There are 8 speed options you can choose from. There’s even extreme customization you can employ, font colour/size/family/background colour and much more can be changed. 

Most content here does offer more than one server, although it’s mostly just 2. 

The movie pages do have a few tid-bits about the movie although I doubt any of you are interested in those. 

Yes, it’s full of ads and you’d need to ignor those (or, simply download Brave browser and/or NordVPN).

4. FlixTor

Website: https://flixtor.mom/

FlixTor has more than one reason why I think it’s one of the better sites like Hulu (and one reason why it sucks).

So, when you land on the site, you can find the movie you like using two primary ways. First, use the search-box to type directly what you seek. Don’t have specific preferences? Simply click the “genre”, “country” or “release-year”. 

That not enough? Click on any movie-thumbnail, any. Then, on the right you’d get a list of “recently added movies”, “movies by year” and even “most viewed” movies.

The movie-page is interesting. It does have additional information about movies. However, this information is displayed as a “FAQ” list, that’s not common.

Most movies do have multiple servers and players. You can even download these movies by clicking the very clearly visible “download” button.

Ads? They’re abundant. Each click will reward you with more than one tabs that you’ll have to fight off. This was the single reason that made me say it sucks earlier. 

5. Soap2Day

Website: https://soap2day.golf/

No ads! I can’t scream how significant, rare, and unbelievable that is! For some reason, Soap2Day has no ads. Yes, even if you aren’t using a VPN or Brave browser. 

The interface too is a bit more professional than most other options on this list. You’ve got a very professional-looking slider at the top. The movie thumbnails too are interactive. Meaning, they display additional information when you hover over them. 

I do love the fact that the quality of the movie as well as synopsis, country, release-year etc. are displayed on the thumbnail. It saves me from having to manually click on a movie-title and go to the movie-page/play the movie for these details. 

Searching for movies is easy. You can either use its in-built search-box or click on one of the filters at the top. Simply choose a country/genre/ Top IMDb ratings or from many other things.

There are even multiple servers for most movies/shows. So you’ve got backups of backups in case the primary server fails you.

The only reason I haven’t listed it higher on this list? It’s not big on “recency”. Meaning, if you’re searching for very fresh titles you may be disappointed. 

6. MoviesJoy

Website: https://moviesjoyplus.to/

MoviesJoy is almost the opposite of Soap2Day. To play a movie, you’ll need to click the play button nearly 20+ times. Each click will launch a new ad popup. You need to be ultra-patient and keep doing it till the movie finally plays. It’s almost impossible to use without Brave or NordVPN.

Similarly, the interface is ultra-basic although I wouldn’t say that matters much, does it? Another contradiction with Soap2Day is the content recency. I found movies that are still in the theater! So fresh content? Totally available.

Furthermore, the search-filters aren’t great either. You got a list of genres at the top such as “comedy movies”, “horror movies”, “drama movies”, “sci-fic” movies etc. That’s all you have. A search-bar does exist though.

While there aren’t many servers, atleast more than one is expected in all cases. Quality-control options or subtitles are non-existant as well. 

The quality of the content varies. Some movies are ultra-HD while others may be HDCAM. In a nutshell, if you can ignore (or get past) the ads, forget the lack of search-filters and multiple servers, it totally is an alternative for Hulu that lets you stream movies. 

7. PutLocker

Website: https://putlocker.bid/

PutLocker is another one of those immensely popular sites like Hulu that has dozens if not hundreds of clones and replicas. 

The site has a top-bar that gives you options such as “genre”, “country”, “movies”, “TV series”, Top IMDb etc.  A search-bar exists too.

You’d find the interface very familiar to you as a few other sites have a very similar and identical interface on this list. 

Do note that for some reason the server is ultra-slow. It may take more than a few minutes for the videos to start playing.

No quality-control or subtitles are offered on the video-player. More than one servers are available although in reality I’ve seen only 2 functional for the most part. 

Ads certainly exist, dozens of them. My Brave browser blocked over 50 popups before I even got to the movie-details page. 

8. M4U

Website: https://m4ufree.vip/

The homepage offers more search-filters than most other Hulu alternatives on this list. You can find movies by year, country, genre, language etc. You can even simply click the “new TV series”, “2023 movies”, “best movies” buttons.

Movies and shows of various qualities are available. You’d find ultra-HD as well as hall-recorded versions of content.

Content recency sure is impressive. Some of the newest movies are already available albeit the quality for these may not be as impressive.

The thumbnails are interactive. They tell you the quality of the movie as well as release-year and synopsis. Helps you click on the correct titles more easily. 

The problem of ads is consistent. In fact, the video-player is almost uninteractive due to ads unless you’re willing to close 10+ tabs before and after every single click! A quality-control feature does exist although I doubt it’s any use because of those ads. 

Nearly 4 servers are available for most content. 

9. CineB

Website: https://cineb.rs/

I’ll tell you why it’s here- Professional and easy interface, very recent titles, manageable ads. The thumbnails are extremely huge, no issues there. They also tell me the quality of the movie/show which is desirable. 

Searching movies is possible using the genre/country filters or the search-bar. A list of “Top IMDb” movies too is displayed. 

Movie-pages do reveal a lot of information about a movie such as a plot, country, cast, country, release-date etc. Most movies do have more than one servers as well. 

Movie quality and recency was surprising. A lot of very recent movies are available in ultra-high def quality which is rare (the quality I mean).

You do get to control the quality in case you wish to lower it and save bandwidth. At the time of writing, ads were almost non-existant and very acceptable. 

10. FMovies

Website: https://fmoviesfree.ac/

No wow factors here but if you wish to stream movies, that sure is possible. A simple-looking site, probably a clone of the original Fmovies.

The homepage lets you search for movies or simply use the top-bar to filter using country/genre/TV-series etc.

The one very impressive feature was its number of servers. Very rare alternative to Hulu offers 4 or more servers and FMovies certainly is one of those.

Content is very fresh, some released a week back! Quality is impressive as well, nearly everything is 1080P or higher.

Ads exist as well but a few popus and you wouldn’t have to fight dozens of windows. Movie-pages are descriptive. A star-rating system also lets you rate movies in a single click. 

Frequently asked questions about Hulu alternatives

Before I sign off, allow me to answer some of the most asked questions about these alternatives to Hulu. 

Is Hulu free?

No. Hulu is a paid OTT service just like Amazon Prime or Netflix.

Is Hulu down?

No, Hulu is not down. You can always check Hulu’s online status here. It may be banned in your region or there may be some other issue. Most of these can be solved using a good VPN service.

Why is my Hulu not working?

Hulu is very region-specific. Meaning, it’s not global. Hence, you may be in a region where Hulu isn’t supported yet. It also may be a problem with your cache. Try re-installing the application. Clearing cache/cookies may help as well. Employing a VPN helps you bypass the region-block. 

How to cancel Hulu?

The process differs depending on the device you’re using. On a web browser- Login to your Hulu account > click your name on the top-right > account > subscription > cancel. 

Hulu alternatives- Final words

I hope you’ve found the alternatives to Hulu that you were looking for. I’ve made sure to include something that fits everyone’s requirements, paid, free, high-quality, low-quality but more recent and so on. 

If you ask me what is the best Hulu alternative, I’ll say just go with Amazon Prime. It’s dirt-cheap, all the content is ultra-high quality, in-built subtitles and audio in multiple languages. 

You can get a free Amazon Prime Video trial right away. If it’s not your taste you’re always free to cancel and check some of the other options I’ve listed on this list of Hulu alternatives, aren’t you?