Concrete And Concrete Products



Do not hesitate to contact us or visit our facilities to discuss your needs with our expert staff. Dry concrete contains silica, which can lead to serious health complications in the future. Understand the products you work with and make sure there are adequate procedures in place to minimize the effects of dry concrete exposure. Wash parts of the skin contaminated with cold water and non-alkaline soap as soon as possible to prevent serious damage to the skin from chemical burns.

Chemicals used at work, safe use and what to do in case of exposure to chemicals should be part of an employee training program. Rinse your eyes with a full-eye washing station when they find concrete powder. Use soap and water to wash dust that has come into contact with the skin to avoid damage. If you rinse your eyes or use soap and water, does not relieve irritation a little, then you should consider going to the hospital for further treatment. OSHA safeguards, including wearing gloves and safety goggles during a concrete casting, as well as having an eyewash station nearby. Wear alkaline resistant gloves, long sleeves and long pants, waterproof boots and eye protection.

Concrete weighs between 120 and 150 pounds per cubic foot, which has a lot of weight in a small volume. Make sure the path is free from the risk of tripping, sliding or falling. Machines used in all industries cause 18,000 injuries in the US every year.

That saying of “better prevention than cure” is more than something your grandmother says. To stay healthy and at work, follow your company’s safety procedures and use old-fashioned common sense. You need to know how to perform all your tasks safely, coloured concrete supplier Australia including how to use the necessary tools and equipment. Wear suitable clothes, such as good shoes and overalls, to protect your skin and reduce the risk of tripping. Use personal protective equipment to keep your eyes and ears in good condition.

You may have moderate irritation or you may experience painful skin cracks from chemical burns. Again, never leave your skin exposed when working with concrete. Touching your skin can cause skin irritation or an allergic reaction at best. In the worst case, it can cause third-degree chemical burns. It does not matter all chemicals and minerals hidden in concrete that are actively harmful to the human body.

If the cement splashes on the skin and is not removed quickly, the chemicals in the mixture can cause third degree burns. Like many labor-intensive jobs, there are some occupational safety risks when working in concrete construction. This is to some extent expected, especially compared to office work. However, many workers exacerbate the risk from malpractice. Incorrect lifting of concrete or equipment, maintaining uncomfortable positions or performing repetitive movements can contribute to workplace injuries.

Do not turn the waist while lifting or wearing these items. Seek help instead of straining your back with a heavy load. It is also important to warn others of specific hazards that are possible through specific software for subcontractors, such as Pro Crew Schedule, where communication is fast.