Category: Greeen Guides

  • 6 Best Graphic Design Apps for Small Business in 2023 In this blog post, we are going to share a list of the best graphic design apps for small businesses for 2023. In this list, we have featured some freemium as well as paid business design software. If you want to make your business stand…

  • Social Support in College: The Importance of Strong Relationships Healthy relationships are crucial for the success of college students. According to research, more than 70% of university students struggle with homesickness, with more than 20% of college dropouts terminating their studies because of mental health problems. Evidence shows that social support is important in learners’…

  • WorldBus Review: Is it Best Web Hosting That Accepts Bitcoin ? WorldBus review: Is it the best hosting provider in 2023? Like every other host, it certainly claims so. Of course, we do not take blindly believe in claims, you shouldn’t either. Hence, if you’re in the market for a web host, and WorldBus caught…

  • 11 Best Hong Kong VPS Hosting Providers This list gives you the best Hong Kong VPS Hosting companies. You may either need a server in Hong Kong, and/or a company that operates out of Hong Kong. I’ve included both of those here. Now, a VPS  is quite different from a shared server, is it not?…

  • 9 Best Webinar Platforms For Small Business On your way to choose the best webinar platforms for small business that fits your budgets and needs in 2023? You have come to the right place.  When you are particularly looking for the best webinar companies for your small business, your needs may differ from others. Although…

  • Review: All In One AI Social Media Tool Can it truly do what Canva, ChatGPT and Hootsuite do, combined? That’s exactly what it claims. Of course, that’s a tall order.  Those claims are what we will be testing throughout this review. I’ll discuss every feature the tool offers, in detail. We will see…

  • 6 Best Online Background Removers (2023 Reviewed) Photos have become an essential part of our digital world. Many advertising companies and businesses rely on good photographers to get attractive photos. But what if you don’t want to spend money on a professional photographer or graphic designer? Well, spending money to remove the background can be…

  • VidiCable Review: Is It Best Video Recorder and Downloader? VidiCable review: Is it the best video recorder and downloader in 2024? That’s exactly what I’ll discuss in this piece. If you stream videos on Youtube, Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, TikTok or anywhere else and wish to download/save those videos offline, this piece is for you. The…

  • 5 Best Small Business Servers Review These are the 5 best small business servers in 2023 that’ll help you store and manage your business data securely. I’ve included servers for everyone on this piece. You need the flagship servers which cost a fortune but are feature-rich? We got it. Maybe something more budget-friendly but with…

  • Best AI Business Plan Generators You just found the best AI business plan generator. If you wish to generate a complete business plan, in seconds, simply by entering your business’ name, keep reading. Each of these tools are 100% free. No payment whatsoever. Most will generate the entire plan for you, while some may require…