Eyezy Review 2023: Is It Best Phone Monitoring Software?

Eyezy review: Does Eyezy really work?  Is it the best phone monitoring app out there? That’s definitely the claim it makes. Of course, we don’t take such claims seriously. That is why I’m reviewing Eyezy here to put its claims to test, eh?  

Imagine getting access to the entire Whatsapp account, photos, videos and much more on a device in a single click! Maybe you’re interested in the text messages and call logs? Or, imagine you being able to pinpoint the exact location of your stolen device without any additional help! Sounds neat, doesn’t it? That’s what Eyezy claims is possible with the app. 

Let’s get started then? 

Legal disclaimer 

You can only use Eyezy to monitor your own child, who is below 18, or anyone else you have permission from. Using Eyezy on an individual/group without their explicit permission is a crime. 

It’s solely your (the reader’s) responsibility to ascertain the legalities of their action before using Eyezy in any manner, both legal and illegal. 

Eyezy- an Introduction 

Eyezy is an application that lets you monitor nearly everything on a target device. Its current capabilities include:

  • Website: https://www.eyezy.com/
  • Keylogging
  • Monitoring all communications (Emails/ Whatsapp/Instagram/Facebook etc.)
  • Monitoring GPS locations and WiFi connections
  • Blocking GPS locations and WiFi connections
  • Complete access to contacts/ call logs/ browser bookmarks/ history etc. 
  • Geofencing (get notified when device enters/exits specific locations )
  • Keyword tracking- track specific keywords on the application.
  • Access to photos, videos and other media stored on the device. 
  • Starting price: $14.25/month (billed yearly), monthly plans available.

And all of this is still just the tip of the iceberg. The tool is capable of a lot more. Let’s get a more detailed insight then?

Why trust this Eyezy review?

The internet is full of ‘reviews’ done with the sole purpose of selling the product to you.

Well, I honestly don’t care if you do or do not buy Eyezy or any other product I review here. 

The sole goal is to get you a completely honest, unbiased, transparent and experience-based review of the tools here. 

By ‘experience-based’, I mean I only review tools that I have personally used and have spent time with. 

I don’t just read a website’s ‘feature-list’ and make that into a review. 

Here’s my Eyezy account to prove the same:

Eyezy account

Hence, whatever I say in this Eyezy review is based on my personal experience. 

If you think it’s worth your time, keep reading. Honest opinion? You’ll probably find Eyezy extremely easy to use & pocket-friendly if you’re looking for a phone monitoring software. But don’t let me colour your judgement before you’ve gone through this Eyezy review. 

Let’s see what’s being offered. 

Completely invisible 

Eyezy uses the term “Invisible Shield” for this feature. What this basically means is, once installed, the application leaves no trace on the target device.

There are no icons, no mentions of Eyezy on the “installed apps” list and so on. Sounds good so far, eh? 


I’m sure you’ve seen the Matrix digital rain (green lines of code on black background falling rapidly) in hacker movies. That’s “NOT” how you hack/monitor a phone. 

In fact, Eyezy’s UI is no harder (in my opinion) than using a social media platform or browsing a website.

Well, here’s what you’ll see once you’ve installed Eyezy on your target device:

Eyezy on your target device

No coding, tech-skills or dark rooms required! You get all the features on the left-sidebar, simply select what you wish to access.

Similarly, the data isn’t boring either and is rather very colourful charts and easy information you can understand, can’t you?

As you read through this Eyezy review, you’ll come across many screenshots I’ve captured that will show you the interface Eyezy offers us. 

Let’s get started then? 


A Keylogger basically “logs keys”. In simpler terms, everything that’s typed on the device is logged and Eyezy displays that to you.

Eyezy Review Keylogger 

You also get the name of the app on which each specific key/word/sentence was typed. Obviously, this data is date & time-stamped. No words sneaks past you. 


As the name suggests, screen recorder records your screen. By “record” I mean it snaps screenshots of the screen at regular intervals. 

This gives you direct access to whatever the person was looking at when the snapshot was captured.

Eyezy Review Screenrecorder

Text messages 

I’m sure you’re worried who you kid/employee is texting when they should not, aren’t you? Well, the “Text messages” feature helps you with exactly that. 

It gives you all the text messages on the device. But what impressed me more what the interface. I’ve used other monitoring tools before, they all gave me texts on a single page and I couldn’t make what was being said to whom.

However, Eyezy displays the texts just like they’re displayed on a normal phone.

Eyezy Review Text messages

Text messages are displayed in sequential threads, and there are tabs for each individual participant, neat, isn’t it?

E-mail monitoring 

According to research, 61% of Emails are opened today from mobile devices instead of computers. Hence, obviously you may want to monitor the emails sent to/by your target devices, right?

All you need to do is click on the ‘Email’ tab on the Eyezy dashboard. It not just shows you the contents of the e-mail but also subject, date and other relevant details. 

Eyezy Review E-mail monitoring

Whatsapp Monitoring 

Whatsapp is the most popular instant messaging app globally (this isn’t even up for debate). It’s only natural for you to want to peek into the Whatsapp accounts of your kids/employees or anyone else you’re monitoring.

To gain complete access to all Whatsapp messages on the target device, you simply need to click the ‘Whatsapp’ tab on the left-sidebar.

Eyezy Review Whatsapp Monitoring

Oh yes, not just the ‘text messages’; Eyezy also gives you photos and other media included in the messages.

Other social media (Kik/ Tinder / Snapchat/  Facebook etc.)

Well, Eyezy isn’t just limited to Whatsapp or text messages. 

You can monitor nearly all the popular social media platforms that exist on a phone. The list includes (but isn’t limited to):

Eyezy Review Other social media (Kik Tinder Snapchat Facebook etc)

  • Kik
  • Telegram
  • Viber
  • Tinder
  • Line
  • Snapchat
  • Hangouts
  • Skype
  • Instagram messenger
  • And Facebook messenger.

Detailed contact & call reports 

What use is a phone monitor if it can’t get you contacts and call details, eh? Eyezy agrees and there are dedicated, individual tabs both for “Contacts” as well as “Calls”.

Clicking on “Contacts” gives you a full list of all the names & numbers saved on the device.

Similarly, clicking on the “Calls” button gives you a list of the call logs. You see the name, number, duration and status (outgoing/incoming/missed).

Of course the date & time of the calls are logged as well. 

GPS location 

One of the primary aspects of tracking any device? Its location, isn’t it? In fact, this can even help you protect your device against theft! 

All you need to do is, click on the “GPS Locations” tab. You get instant access to where the device is, and where it had been.

Eyezy Review GPS location

The coordinates (latitude and longitude) along with the accuracy of the results is displayed. You can even view the location directly on Google Map by clicking on the displayed link.

If that isn’t enough, you also get an address that you can search for if map-reading isn’t your thing. 

WiFi tracker 

Another major aspect of any phone is its WiFi, isn’t it? Eyezy shows you all the networks the device connected to, time of connection, latitude and longitude. 

Now there’s a secondary benefit to the feature. This can help you track the location of your device and know who (or which cafe, airport, subway) your target has been with. It’s like hacking into the other WiFi device’s location (because you know the location of your device and that the other device connected to your target device) without any additional effort. 

Events & notes 

I’ll be honest, this isn’t a feature that really matters much to me. I’ve never used the “Events” feature on my calendar. However, the feature does exist and demands a mention on this Eyezy review.

Eyezy Events and notes 

It basically gives us the title of the events on the phone, the description, location, the time the event was started at as well as the time the event was marked completed on the device.

Similarly, everything saved on the device’s notes is displayed as well. 

Photos, Videos & Installed apps 

Now you’re getting excited, aren’t you? Yes, of course Eyezy lets you access all the photos and videos stored on the device.

You can either view the images on your dashboard or download them for offline access. 

Eyezy Photos, Videos and Installed apps

Similarly, there’s also another tab called “Installed Apps”. This gives you access to all the applications installed on the device. You can even block/unblock apps remotely, keep reading for more details. 

Browser details 

Now we come to the browsing secrets held on the device. First, you get a list of “Browser bookmarks”. The website title and URL of each bookmark is listed. 

Then we get the more interesting details- Browser History. You get the title, time, URL, time of last visit to the website as well as no. of times the website was visited in total. 

Eyezy Browser details

That’s all the details you need to understand what’s going on the device’s browser, isn’t it?

Remote connection blocker 

This certainly is something that resembles what happens in movies. There’s a remote connection blocker that lets you block:

 Eyezy Remote connection blocker 

  • Websites
  • WiFi connections 
  • And Applications.

From your end, all you need to do is simply click “block” next to any app/WiFi you wish to block. Again, no special hacking skills required! 

Of course, the target device isn’t informed that the specific app has been blocked on the device. There’s absolutely no breadcrumb left. 


Time to be Harry Potter and create an invisible, magic shield, well, virtual at least. Eyezy lets you select specific areas on the map. 

Eyezy Review Geo fencing

You can either add these areas to your “allowed” list or “restricted” list. You get notified on two occasions. Whenever the device “leaves the allowed zone” or whenever it “enters a restricted zone”. 

Keyword tracking 

The final feature that I actually care about on Eyezy is its keyword tracking. It lets me set words and phrases I wish to monitor. 

Then, I can select specific apps I wish to monitor the keyword for. E.g. “sex” sounds naughty on a Whatsapp message but it may just be for education if typed on the Calendar app, don’t you agree?

I can then set if I wish to be notified when these words are detected. You can choose to be notified via e-mail, or choose not to be. In any case, the list of detected words is still always visible on your dashboard. 

No Jailbreak/Rooting mandatory 

If you thought tracking or hacking into phones required jailbreaking or rooting, you’re wrong. Sure, most similar applications do have those requirements, fortunately, Eyezy doesn’t.

It works with any Android and iOS device. Of course, Jailbreaking offers you access to more features and data but it’s 100% functional even without that. 

How easy (or hard) is the installation process?

Not all of you reading this Eyezy review may be “tech gurus”, fortunately, you don’t have to be.

When you login to your Eyezy account, this is what you’ll see. Simply choose a language here. 

Eyezy Review How easy or hard) is the installation process

Next, you simply need to select an OS. As already explained, the app is compatible both with iOS as well as Android. 

Eyezy Review select an OS

You can then pick the exact make and model of the device. If you aren’t sure of the model, simply select “other”. 

Eyezy Review model of the device

Eyezy then shows you the exact steps you need to follow on the device. If you click on the exact step, a video tutorial is played on the right as well. 

Eyezy Review exact steps you need to follow

Finally, the exact steps required to install the application are shown. The process essentially is as simple as going to a link > downloading the app > installing it.

Eyezy Review install the application

That wasn’t hard, was it? 

Eyezy Pricing plans 

The application sure is feature-rich and easy to use. But hey, none of that matters if it doesn’t fit your pockets. 

There are 4 payment plans. The features do not differ, the pricing  differs primarily based on your payment term. The longer you pay for, the less you pay per month. 

  • 1 Year plan (Least expensive) – $14.25/month (Billed 171.26 yearly).
  • 6 months– $25.70/month (billed $154.20/ 6 months)
  • 3 months– $39.98/month (billed 119.96/ 3 months)
  • Monthly plan– $68.56/month 

Well, I wouldn’t say Eyezy is cheap, “cheap” is subjective and depends on your financial condition. But, I certainly would say Eyezy is more than worth it. For about $14.00/month, you can do what any seasoned hacker would charge 4 figures for .

EyeZy Review- final verdict 

So, what’s my personal opinion and experience with Eyezy? I’m impressed. I wouldn’t try to downplay the fact that I’m absolutely in love with the tool.

Hey, you’ve read this review, you know what it’s capable of. Tell me I’m wrong to speak highly of Eyezy? 

The ease of use, features, and even the pricing doesn’t really leave a lot to be desired. 

But hey, why take my word for it? Go give it a try. That’s the best way to establish facts for yourselves, isn’t it?