Tag: apartment

  • Lower maintenance costs: Outdoor maintenance in condominium communities is usually handled by the HoA. This includes lawn and shrub care, entrances and walkways, roofs and exterior cladding. Because apartments tend to be more compact and require less attention than single-family homes, they can be a more affordable way to own real estate. When visiting apartments,…

  • A homeowners association creates and enforces the rules for a subdivision, planned community, or condominium building; the members are residents. Lenders are very cautious when it comes to providing loans for this type piccadilly grand condo of property. They usually require a certain percentage of units to have people who live in them, or who,…

  • Investing in an apartment complex is one of the most proven ways to build wealth. Multi-family investments even have an incredible variety of benefits, including cash flow, the ability to fund real estate with a limited amount and incredible tax breaks . Investing in apartments is not always sun and daisies; Investors have to work…