How to Start a Dropshipping Business with No Money?

How to Start a Dropshipping Business with No Money?

In this guide, I’ll discuss how to start a dropshipping business with no money. I’ve broken down the guide into 5 crucial steps.

When I say “free”, I mean it. Every step/tool I’ll use is 100% free. You don’t even have to share your credit card details in any case.

Let me address something before we start. Does Dropshipping work in 2023? Is it dead? IT IS NOT! In fact, according to this research, if anything, it’ll be growing at 2.8% until 2025!

So, let’s start with the basics before moving onto the more technical aspects?

What is Dropshipping?

I get it, most of you already know what Dropshipping is. However, some of you may be here just after you heard the term and wish to make some money.

Even if you know what Dropshipping is, you clearly need a few more hints. That’s why you’re still trying to learn how to dropship with no money, right?

Dropshipping is basically when you act as a mediator between a supplier, and a buyer.

In other words, you don’t have to “stock” whatever you’re selling. You also don’t have to deal with inventory, packaging or shipping.

It’s all managed by your supplier. You’re simply the link which brings in the customers for the suppliers.

Do note that this doesn’t mean you can’t customize your products. In many cases, suppliers allow you to design, customize and brand the products as your own.

How to start a dropshipping business with no money?

Is it truly possible? Yes, it is possible to start a dropshipping business without investing a single penny.

For any dropshipping business, you’ll need at least three things:

  • A product/niche for your store.
  • Supplier(s) who will manufacture/procure, stock, pack and ship your products.
  • A website/store which you’ll use to sell your (the supplier’s)

In most other cases, none of this is free. You’ve to buy a product-research tool, spend money for your website and so on.

In this piece, I’ll show you how you can find/create all three of these absolutely free!

Step 1: Find a dropshipping product/niche for free?

The first thing you need is the product.

So, we need a tool that’s dedicated for dropshippiing and shows us relevant data, right? Obviously, it also has to be 100% free!

We’ll use AliExpress Dropshipping Centre.

You can signup for free. It allows using your Gmail and social media accounts for easy and one-click signups.

Once you’ve signed up, just accept their T&C agreement (after you’ve read it, if you’re that type of person)

On the next page, click on the “Find Products” button.

Start dropshipping without money

The next page is self-explanatory.

You simply enter your keyword (e.g. watches/ shoes/jeans etc.), select a category, shipping source and the destination.

You can even use “images” to search for products if you don’t know what a product is called. It shows you certain metrics for the products.

how to Start dropshipping without money

The metrics aren’t important. They’re mostly from and for AliExpress. If you aren’t planning on using AliExpress as your Dropshipping partner, they don’t mean much to you.

However,  the total no. of orders for each product is still helpful. It helps get a rough idea of how popular one product is compared to others.

Other free Dropshipping product finders:

Gather maybe a dozen good products you like. We’ll trim them down in the next section.


If you use social media, you’d often see “sponsored ads”. Note the products down. If someone’s running ads for these, they’re probably in demand and can be sold.

Step 2: Check competition for your product/niche (for free).

Once you find a bunch of products, you need to narrow it down to one or maybe two products, right?

This step differs based on the type of product you’ve selected. However, the most basic place to start is Google.

E.g. if you’ve chosen “green floor mats”, you go to Google and type “Green Floor Mats”.

You’ll see all the sites selling exactly your product.

You can also try “”. E.g. “”.

We’re adding “Shopify” because that’s arguably the most used dropshipping platform. In fact, Shopify saw an increase of about 100% in its revenue between March 2020 to March 2022!

What you’re doing is, you’re searching for Shopify stores that are already selling your products.

You’ll see thousands of sites on Google. You can visit them and check what they’re selling.

You can also go to Instagram and Facebook, search for your product name and see what comes up.

This is a crude, not-perfect method of competition researching, but hey, it’s $0.00.

Step 3: Finding suppliers for your products

To sell, you first need “goods”. For goods, you need a supplier who’ll provide those goods, won’t you?

You can just go to Instagram and search for your product. E.g. if I search for “Floor Mats”, I find dozens of accounts. These are either direct suppliers or middlemen.

Now, there’s no fixed guide on how you can find your suppliers. However, there are a few “don’t” when finding them.

Meaning, you’ll encounter dozens of fake/third-party middlemen who claim to be large wholesalers. They aren’t.

For starters, most legit wholesalers will never ask you for a subscription or membership fee.

Also, if you’re getting products at a very cheap price, it’s probably too good  to be true as well.

Anyway, you can find your own suppliers using Dropshipping directories.  These  are just directories with (mostly) verified suppliers.

Go to Google and search for [your product/category dropshipping supplier directory].  E.g. “Electronic wholesale dropshipping supplier”.

Note that this needn’t be exact. You can search for other similar terms.

It’s important that you search for suppliers who allow dropshipping. This is because in some regions or under some laws, retailing of purchased goods may be illegal without prior consent.

I get it, it’s your first time and this is all  a bit confusing, isn’t it?

Well, here’s a list of dropshipping suppliers you can visit right away.

These are just a few but will totally get you started.

Step 4: Setting up a 100% free store

Obviously, you’ll need a store, won’t you?

Now, this step is where most people (not you) have to spend money. You’ll need a domain, a server, and probably a web designer.

We’ll get rid of all of that!

What if I said you can set your store up in about 5 minutes (maybe less), with $0.00 out of your pockets, and absolutely no “coding”.

You can just sign up at Shopify. It’s not a “free” platform, but you do get a 14-day free trial.

Just be sure you’ve done the following before signing up at Shopify:

  • Find the exact product(s) you’ll be selling.
  • Find your suppliers.
  • Setup logos/brand-aspects for your Shopify store.

This will help you save “days”. You wouldn’t waste any of your free trial days doing the above things.

Shopify has integrated payment processors and many different apps which actually help your business.

The steps are extremely simple as well. It’s mostly point-and-click. Choose your theme, edit text, drag & drop images and so on.

You can also use Printful if you’re like to sell custom products directly from Printful (yes, it’s a supplier too as I mentioned above). Printful too lets you set up a completely free shop. You can design your products and sell them directly using the Printful domain.

WooCommerce is something else you can use. It’s a  WordPress plugin that’s 100% and forever free. I’ll be honest, it doesn’t offer as many features as Shopify. But, it’s still feature-rich.

If you’re totally new, you can learn how to create a WordPress blog first. After that, you simply need to install the WooCommerce plugin which is just as easy.

Step 5: Marketing your products for free

Now, if I was dropshipping, I’d run to Adwords and Facebook ads. Without doubt, those are the best ways to market your store and products.

But, because we’re going in with an empty pocket, we don’t have those options, do we?

Fortunately, there still are a number of options you can use.

  • Social media influencers: Social media influencers can be your biggest miracles. These are just popular users with a few hundred thousand followers. In most cases, they’ve a “niche” carved out as well e.g. makeup/dance/interior design and so on. You simply have to start texting every single one of them. Your primary point should be that you’ll share a “percent” of profit with them, “after each sale”. The best places to start are Instagram and Facebook. To start, you can use “hashtags”. E.g. #DanceEquipments. Ignore the product pages/companies and go to the individual users on those hashtags.
  • Create your own social media pages: Instagram and Facebook are still your best friends. With or without influencers, create a page, start uploading posts, commenting, engaging with others. You can go to your competitors’ posts for tips. If you look at their comment sections, you get a list of people who’re already interested in your products, it’s just a matter of sending them a text with lucrative offers.
  • E-mail marketing: This is basically you sending out emails. It’s mostly free but it only works if you already have an email list maybe from a blog or another project.

Final words- How to start a dropshipping business with no money?

I hope you’ve learnt how to become a dropshipper with no money, haven’t you?

Let me recap it for you?

Search for products(s)> Search for supplier(s) > Set your store up > Market.


Let’s be honest, it’s not the easiest thing on the planet. It requires (a lot of) time, research and mental energy. But, it’s also one of the most profitable businesses out there.

So, what are you waiting for? Go give it a try. Worst case scenario? It’ll be a “been there done that” experience for you. Best-case scenario? You’ll make a lot of money.

How Email Signature Generators Save Your Business Time and Money

How Email Signature Generators Save Your Business Time and Money

The world of email marketing is only becoming more important over time. While this was a core marketing strategy 15 years ago, it is still going strong, representing one of the most important tools that every marketing team will have in their toolbox.

According to studies conducted by eMarketer, 80% of marketing professionals indicate that email is their most important platform for customer conversion and retention. This field of marketing is incredibly impressive, especially when done correctly. Beyond just sending emails with good copy, your business will need to ensure that every element of your emails is up to scratch.

A great way to get ahead when it comes to formatting and styling email marketing materials is to ensure you have an email signature that all of your employees use. Luckily, with how important email signatures have become, there are now world-leading email signature generators that you can use to quickly make a template format.

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of email signatures and their generators, demonstrating exactly how these tools can save your business time and money in the long run. Let’s dive right in.

What Should I Include in a Business Email Signature?

Email signatures are a prime location to show off a little bit extra about your company. Of course, you’ll have your company name and logo here. But, email signatures are really about going that extra mile and incorporating branding elements into these small spaces.

Here are a number of things that you could incorporate into your email signatures to make your emails go even further:

  • Contact Information – Including phone numbers or email addresses can show that you’re serious about helping your customers and willing for them to contact you across different channels.
  • Marketing Materials – Although only a small space, your business email signature can include links to other marketing materials and lead magnets. Make every little bit of space count in your emails!
  • Social Media Icons – These can create further portals for your customers to explore, and can link to other spaces where you’re currently running marketing campaigns. This is a great tip for click-through rate and engagement.
  • Awards – If your business has recently won an award, then dropping in a mention of this or a photo of the award can act as some much-needed social proof.

How Using an Email Signature Generator Saves You Time

Whenever you onboard a new employee, they’re going to have to go through the motions when it comes to creating user accounts and getting everything set up correctly. One of the things they’ll have to do is ensure that their email account is properly equipped to send and receive business documents.

The easiest way of doing this is by letting them rapidly create one by themselves. Instead of walking them through every step, let them generate an email signature by putting in their own data. Not only is this significantly faster than having your IT department make one for them, but they can also put in whatever information they’d like.

This includes additional contact emails, their work phone number, and maybe even a picture of themselves, if that’s something your business uses on your signatures. Beyond just saving your business time, it also saves that new employee time.

Without having to spend the better part of an afternoon carefully crafting a signature, the ability to click a button to generate email signatures will ensure they can get back to their real work. By increasing the speed with which employees can craft this integral part of communications, they are then free to continue on as normal.

For new employees, this will cut down the total time it takes to be onboarded. Over time, the afternoons you save here and there from this will help to boost your overall workplace productivity and keep everyone working efficiently. As your team spends more time working, you’ll also be helping your company move toward its targets with ease.

How Using an Email Signature Generator Saves You Money

While many of the major savings that come from using an email signature generator are related to saving time, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have a knock-on effect on other areas.

There are a number of ways that email signature generators can save businesses money or even help them increase profits:

  • Great Impressions – Email signatures, once you’ve rapidly made one with a generator, will let you homogenize how your employees present themselves over email. Whenever a new customer gets in contact with your business, they’ll see your email signature and recognize your company as reputable and professional. This can make all the difference, helping you to close deals with new clients. Over time, this can reduce the total amount your business spends on its cost of acquisition, as you’ll have more success with each client that gets in contact with you.
  • Avoid Additional Costs – Graphic designers will often try to charge businesses to design an email signature. With the brilliance of modern tools, you’ll be able to rapidly generate a fantastic email signature that stands out from the crowd. With this in mind, you can redirect this money from your graphics budget into other areas and push your businesses even further toward success. You can also make edits of your signature with ease on these platforms, without incurring more costs.
  • Marketing Materials – By having a different email signature that you send out to different user segments, you’re able to effectively execute personalized email marketing on a greater scale. Personalized emails are more likely to be opened by nearly 30%, with email signatures creating a great space to include information for your customers. Not only will this boost how effective your email marketing is, but it’ll help you win customers in the long run.

Email signature generators are a complete win-win for your business. You’ll be saving your employees and IT staff time, while also helping your company to maximize its profits.

Final Thoughts

Email signature generators are incredibly useful tools that will help your business to save both time and money. While this bit of tech may seem only slight at first glance, it can be put to use to build one of the most important outreach centers in your business – your email marketing hub.

Whether you start using an email signature generator to save your employees time or to save your company some extra money, this is an addition to your tech stack that you definitely won’t regret.

7 Easy Ways To Invest With Little Money

Most index-based ETFs and mutual funds will now be available at most listed companies without commercial rates, but it is important to check and search for investment fund rates. Bonds are considered by many to be a safer investment compared to stocks. Bonds represent investments in debt and shares represent investments in capital ownership. For example, if a company is eliminated, bondholders take precedence over shareholders. This means that you will receive payment for your bonuses earlier. Your indexed fund is not managed by an investment fund manager.

And since it is an investment fund, it will pay the fund company an expense ratio of the assets under management. There are many ways to invest, from highly secure options such as CDs and money market accounts to medium-risk options, such as corporate bonds, and even higher-risk selections, such as stock index funds. That’s great news because it means you can find investments that offer a variety of returns and match your risk profile. It also means that you can combine investments to create a complete and diversified portfolio, ie safer. We always hear that wealth building is a marathon and not a sprint, but it’s easy to get stuck in the beginning if you’re not sure where to start. Thanks to technology and the internet, there is almost too much information about personal finances and investments to enjoy today.

Investment funds collect cash from investors to purchase shares, bonds or other assets. Investment funds provide investors with a cheap way to diversify and distribute their money through multiple investments to protect themselves from investment losses. Creating a diversified portfolio of individual stocks and bonds takes time and experience, which is why most investors benefit from the investment of funds. Index funds and ETFs are often cheap and easy to manage, as only four or five funds are needed to build adequate diversification. It is important because different asset classes (shares, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, real estate) react differently on the market.

A good solution for beginners is to use a robo advisor to draw up an investment plan that meets their risk tolerance and financial objectives. I have started paying off my excessive student loans and have about 5k credit card debt, with 1/2 currently not being charged. I have a teacher pension fund (I’m only 2 years old) and I put $ 150 on a Valic account for tax. I still have about 1.5% of my salary left for food and gas.

Now that the increase in many stocks may have led to significant overvaluation in the past two years, many investors are wondering where to put their investment dollars. These best online brokerage firms funds invest in value shares, which have more spot prices than others on the market. In addition, value stocks tend to be better when interest rates rise, as expected in 2022.

Change Apartments To Save Money

In California it is 21 days after the tenant moves out. Reduce your electricity bill after you move out by limiting electricity, gas or oil consumption. Pay your electricity bills in time to protect your credit and facilitate a new rent or borrow money to buy a house.

Professional engines can be expensive, but they don’t have to be. Be sure to get offers from multiple companies and don’t worry about the fact that you are buying. Notifying companies that they are reviewing competition could result in a lower price. If you have flexibility in your moving date, ask if you can expect to be added to a truck that moves in the same area.

If you need to consider children and pets, there are many things to remember. A list helps you organize your thoughts and must be created a few months before you move. Some points have to be dealt with before others, so plan the deadlines accordingly and then meet them. Take stock of your movements for insurance purposes while creating lists. This inventory is also useful for unpacking to ensure that nothing is lost. Housing has its advantages, but sometimes you just have to keep going.

A mattress should be one of the first items you buy after signing your apartment rental agreement. And don’t forget everything you need to make your bed comfortable: sheets, duvets or duvets, mattress covers, pillows, etc. If a disaster occurs and the moving truck is lost, it has at least some essential aspects with it. With all details and moving parts, there is no unique guide with movement tips for every scenario that can occur during the moving process. Different people have specific needs or concerns, e.g. How to pack porcelain to move it, move valuable wooden furniture or sensitive relics safely.

Finally, make sure you know your rights and buy additional insurance if necessary. When renting a house, ask your landlord if it is okay to have a flea market on the property. Not only will you get rid of things you don’t need when you finally move into Venetian Apartamentos Houston your hard-earned home, you save time and money with fewer things to move in. Saving for a home is a great task, especially if you already need to manage other bills and rentals. However, it is never too late to reserve money for future home ownership.

It can also be a challenging exercise in financial management. So read our tips on saving money when you move to your first apartment. Whether you want to take a shelf apart or reassemble it, you will not regret having tools such as a screwdriver and a hammer on the day of the train. As soon as you start unpacking, you should also have wall hooks and nails on hand.

Let’s say you’re moving from a very small room, maybe a studio that is a few floors high with no elevator. Even if you have too many items on the spot, too many people in the crew who are on the move cause more pain than profit. Too many people on and next to a small room and trying to work together on the stairs cause a lot of misused time dance among themselves. You can also use your followers and friends on social media to get free boxes. With forward-looking planning, you can extend the flea market and spring cleaning times if people actively have boxes and containers.

How Hard Money Lenders Meet The Need For Mortgage Seekers

Hard money loans, repair and flip loans as well as rehabilitation loans are aimed at investors who buy difficult properties with a discount and need cash to close. If you plan to maintain the property, you will usually return to the bank and receive refinancing Fix N Flip Hard Money Lending Loans NYC at a lower interest rate after the rehabilitation is complete. If you want to turn the property over, the goal is to buy, repair and sell the property quickly at a discount. Hard money interest rates are probably the least attractive part of a hard money loan.

The credit process for buying a financial investment property can be exciting but overwhelming for both experienced and beginner real estate investors. Before a borrower begins to consider their desired investment property, there are several steps and preparations to work with a direct private lender. One of the most frustrating rules for private lenders is that lenders are sometimes restricted in how many loans they can grant if they lack a banking license. Most private lenders do not need such a license because they are not a bank or other type of financial or credit institution.

Since private lenders dealing with hard credit are not regulated by the Federal Reserve like banks and other conventional lenders, practices can vary significantly. You don’t need good credit or lots of financial records to get a hard cash loan. While the traditional mortgage subscription focuses on borrower income and creditworthiness, lenders grant loans based on collateral such as a house or building. For this reason, lenders with hard money should know the estimated market value (post-repair value) of the property after planned renewals have been completed. It is quite common for real estate investors to branch out of traditional credit programs and instead use private cash loans to finance investment property.

One of the main advantages of working with hard money lenders is that they are fast. Conventional mortgage loans can take more than a month to finance, not to mention the tedious loan application process. Private investors can offer buyers funds in less than a week, usually in a few days. The ability to quickly access funds can be a competitive advantage in the real estate market, especially if there are many competitive offers on a property and you want to impress with a cash offer. Flexible conditions: Because private lenders offer hard money loans, investors may have more space to negotiate the terms of the loan.

Due to their flexibility, private money loans are attractive not only for borrowers, but also for lenders. You see, with a traditional loan, lenders generate income through interest payments from the borrower. On the other hand, private loans allow lenders to negotiate exactly how the loan is repaid. This opportunity opens up several advantages that investors traditionally do not offer. Further information on making money as a private lender can be found in the following agreements. In the past, real estate financing usually came from banks, government agencies, insurance companies and pension funds.

For starters, this may sound great, but this type of loan poses a much higher risk and the interest rate and points are MUCH higher. Expect 15-18% interest and 5-6 points if a lender finances a loan with little or no deposit from the borrower. In some cases, it may be worthwhile for the borrower to pay these exorbitant fees to secure the deal if he can continue to make project profits. If you are looking for alternative financing for an investment property or want to use idle money for work, it may be worth looking for loans with private money.

Some states have limited the amount of credit that a lender can offer before they have to obtain a banking license. If you can use assets or real estate as collateral, it doesn’t matter what your creditworthiness looks like in a hard money loan. Hard money lenders are usually flexible when it comes to negotiating credit terms. You don’t have to follow the same rules that traditional mortgage lenders are subject to. If you have no friends and family who can invest or receive no investor funds, you can apply for a loan through a private online lender such as LendingHome or Patch of Land. You can also shop in a place like LendingTree that accompanies you to several lenders who offer loans to meet your needs.

These are some factors that help real estate investors become better borrowers when working with private lenders. Stratton Equities is a leading direct private lender who works directly with borrowers to acquire funding for the desired investment credit scenario. Working with Stratton Equities, an experienced direct private money and NO QM lender, gives real estate investors access to the largest mortgage programs available for libraries nationwide.