Anywhere Review: Is It Best Project Management Software for Client Work? (+ 30% Discount Coupon Code)

Anywhere Review: Is It Best Project Management Software for Client Work? (+ 30% Discount Coupon Code)

Anywhere review: Is it the best project management software for client work? Well, that’s exactly what we will dissect in this review.

I’ve made this review extremely detailed, honest and unbiased. For everything I say (write) here, I’ve attached screenshots.

Those will help you understand the review better and verify my statements. 

So, if you’re in the market for a project management software you’re at the right place. 

Do note that you’re at zero risk here. has a completely free (no card needed) trial for 14 days. So, once you’re done, you can always try it out without paying a cent. 

Let’s see if Anywhere truly is the best project management software for client work or it’s just a claim without substance. Let’s put these claims to test then?

What is Anywhere? is a project management tool that lets you manage your projects, tasks co-workers but most importantly clients. Yes, has focused massively on merging project management with client work.

Just some of its features include:

  • Very advanced and customizable client-portal
  • White labelled platform
  • Multiple project views (Kanban/Table/Calendar etc.)
  • Client feedback scores (NPS and CSAT)
  • Magic-link for clients (one-click access, no login required)
  • Very advanced automations (If this then that)
  • In-built document creator or embed from third-party providers
  • Free migration from your existin PM tool.
  • On-condition task reminders
  • Share updates with clients on automation 
  • Team-chat/private chat 
  • Descisive and blocker comments
  • Granular administration control
  • Data encrypted at rest + 2-FA
  • 24X7 live-chat
  • 14-day free trial (no card required).

And all of this is still just the tip of the iceberg. It offers a lot more, some of what I aim to bring forth and discuss with you folks in this Anywhere review.


One of Anywhere’s primary features is its extremely easy to use and understand UI. Even if you haven’t ever used a project management tool before, you can use Anywhere.

Here’s what you see on the dashboard:

Anywhere user interface

On the left-sidebar, you’d see all the navigation buttons. These take you to the different sections and features Anywhere offers.

E.g. if I click on the “Dashboard” it takes me to my projects’ dashboard. This also is one of the most-loved features on Anywhere.

Anywhere project dashboard

So, the dashboard basically gives me an overview of all my ongoing projects. I do not have to visit each project separately to gain insights about the project. If you’ve used other similar tools, you’d agree this overview isn’t all that common.

On the same page, you’ll find the “search bar” at the top. I like how it’s all-inclusive. Meaning, you can search for projects, files, comments and everything else just using keywords.

Just right to the search bar are some other options such as notifications, language, and your username. Clicking on the username brings up all the important settings for your account.

Anywhere account settings

Of course, I’ve discussed all these settings in the later parts of this review.

The remaining area is the workspace. This is where you do most of the things you do. 

It also has dedicated apps for both Android as well as iOS.

In a nutshell, simply by looking at the screenshots above, I’m sure it’s clear that using Anywhere is easy, isn’t it? It’s not just me, I’ve got a few people who agree as well: customer review

Let’s look at some of its features then?

Customized and advanced client portal

What’s one problem you face when working with clients? It’s not easy to keep them updated about every little task that you’re working on. They can’t offer feedback as easily or make executive decisions.

That’s something solves for you making it one of the best Asana alternative for teams doing client work.

For starters, you can whitelabel the entire thing. Your clients will now see the logo and domain you set instead of any branding.

Then, your clients get to give you a CSAT score for each update you make. This instantly tells you if the client is happy/not happy with the last change. 

They can of course leave comments and feedback on tasks shared with them.

There’s even a “private” mode. This hides the updates from your clients while your team-members can continue accessing everything normally. You can even use the private mode for communications so that your clients do not see what you’re talking about.

You also get to choose which sections/parts of the project clients get access to and which they don’t.

There are even blocker comments.

Once a client leaves a blocker comment, the task status automatically changes to “stuck”. This gives you instant access to all the tasks that are stuck and the comment tells you what’s wrong.

Similarly, has a “decision comment”. Any major decision can be written down as a comment and marked as a decision. 

One of its most impressive features however is the “magic link”.

You can share tasks and projects with clients without having them sign up! That just saves so much time, energy and frustration on part of the client, doesn’t it?

All they have to do is, click on your magic link. They get instant access to your project/task.

There’s even an entire “share updates” feature that I’ve discussed later in this Anywhere review.

In a nutshell, if you’ve got clients, Anywhere makes managing them, sharing/hiding information and communicating with them extremely easy.

Automate everything!

Who here doesn’t love automations? I’m sure you do. offers amazing “if this then that” automations. These do save a lot of time and manual resources! 

Imagine when a task status changes from “in progress” to “stuck”, the priority for it automatically gets changed to “high” AND it gets assigned to a specific person? It’s just one of the things can do for you! 

So, you get to select your trigger. In the screenshot below, on the left, you’ll see status change/priority change/item created etc.

All of these are the triggers. You can choose your automation for any of these events.

Anywhere project automation

Once you’ve selected your event, you get to choose the exact trigger for the event.

 E.g. if “Priority Change” is your event, you can select the exact change-value (from high to medium/ medium to low or whatever). 

You then get to select the consequence/automation for the trigger.

The available triggers differ as well. However, depending on the action, you can send a notification, change label, add a comment, change assignees, and a lot more.

So basically, your projects run themselves to quite an extent! 

Easy task overview 

It’s not a “wow” feature but you do get to view all of your tasks on Anywhere at a single glance.

On the dashboard, you’d see “My Tasks”. This list gives you all the tasks and even colour-codes them for you! 

You’ll see all your tasks including the overdue tasks, those you’ve completed, due soon and all others.

Anywhere task overview

You can also filter tasks using a number of filters such as:

Anywhere task filters

  • Tasks assigned to you
  • Tasks you created
  • Tasks assigned to specific users on common projects and so on.

You can even choose an exact date-range for the tasks. Makes things easy, doesn’t it?

Task Management 

Anywhere isn’t just for “viewing” tasks, is it?

Well, it does offer a ton of control when adding/editing a new task.

This is what the task editing screen looks like:

Anywhere task management

As is evident, you can add a title, description, task status, priority, cost of the project and so on.

I suppose all of this is pretty easy to understand and use, wouldn’t you agree? 

Advanced/On-condition Task reminders

You’d notice a small bell icon next to each task. This lets you add task reminders with ease.

It wouldn’t be such an impressive features if it was an average reminder feature. It isn’t.

Of course you can set a date/time and be reminded on a specific date/ daily/weekly or monthly. You can also choose if you wish to be reminded via app notifications, or e-mail.

It even lets you choose who needs to be reminded, you, specific people, or people who’ve been assigned the task.

But, all that is pretty basic stuff. 

You can also set a number of triggers and consequences for those triggers! 

Anywhere reminder settings

The available triggers are:

  • Status
  • Due date
  • Priority 
  • Date 
  • And Label.

For each condition, you get unique triggers. 

E.g. I can set to be notified if “Status IS new/in progress/completed/stuck” etc.

Similarly, I can set it so that I’m notified X days before the due date. The “Priority” trigger lets you get notified depending on priority level of a task.


This is my personal favorite area on Anywhere. This is where most of the magic happens. It’s where I plan my projects and give them direction.

As you can see, you can select how you wish to work on Anywhere. Many different view-types and project features are accessed from this workspace.

Anywhere workspaces

  • Overview
  • Plan
  • Table
  • Kanban
  • Calendar 
  • Chat
  • Updates
  • Docs 
  • And Files.

I’ll discuss each of these sections in detail throughout this review. 

Project Overview

The overview tab is what gives me an overall idea of the project. Here’s what it looks like:

Anywhere project overview

As is clear, it shows me all the completed/blocked tasks, groups, overdue tasks etc. on a single screen.

You even get to manually select which widgets/data you want on the overview screen and which you’d skip.

Table view

This is my favorite view, the one I use for most of my projects and tasks. (No, it’s not only because it’s colorful).

So, all my tasks are displayed in a list. More importantly, the owner of the task, status, due-date, priority, cost and everything is displayed at a glance.

Anywhere table view

You do not need to move through half a dozen pages to get all of this information.

I’ve always loved the control and customization Anywhere offers me. 

Anywhere customization feature

I get to select the columns/data I want or do not want on the table view! Neat, right?

Kanban & Calendar views

Of course, any project management tool without the Kanban boards wouldn’t really be complete now, wouldn’t it?

The Kanban view really helps visualize thing and some believe this even boosts productivity, eh?

That’s not all. also has a Calendar view. You’d love this if you’re a traditionalist. Remember marking appointments on a Calendar? This is similar, but more advanced. 

And yes, this is available throughout all plans, no additional payment required. 

Plan View

There’s a reason why I’ve included this last. I use it the least and I just find the other views more productive for a project. 

It gives me the simplest view of my tasks. It basically includes the task list and I can adjust the deadlines with ease.

Anywhere plan review

That’s about it. In a nutshell, managing all your tasks is no hassle with Anywhere regardless of the view you like, don’t you agree?

Advanced update-sharing panel

This is something that’s somewhat new and exciting to me. lets me share project/task updates with clients in a fashion that’s not boring.

It’s much like creating a new project.

Anywhere Advanced update sharing panel

You title your update, write a description, include exactly what’s updated in the dedicated box etc. 

You can even drag task-boxes (completed/ stuck/new) to this update page. This lets you include all the tasks you want, in the relevant category, without having to type and verify it all manually.

Creating a new project/Task

The reason I’m discussing this towards the end is because you can now understand it better.  

So, here’s what the project creation page looks like and everything it offers:

For starters, you select a Workspace for your project. Each project can have its own workspace. Each workspace has its own isolated access and controls.

You then add a description, set the owner (admin) of the project, and set the project type (public/private/shared).

You also get to set the project status. It can either be awaiting approval, proposed, in planning, in progressed, overdue, stuck, completed etc.

Project status anywhere

Other information such as client name, logo, website etc. can be set as well.

The same page also lets you invite team members, assign them roles, select who sees/can change what etc.

You can also set new color-coded columns that you’ll use throughout the project. 

And all of this is just the tip of the ice-berg! There’s so much more you can do and customize about each project.  However, I’m sure I’ve painted a decent picture, haven’t I?

File storage/management 

Of course, each project will have its logos, maybe legal documents, or other files. has an in-built file manager. You simply need to upload files to your specific task/project. You can use the comment box to upload files for each task or simply go to the file view and upload your files there.

This eliminates the need of third-party cloud storage services and helps you understand exactly why a file has been uploaded and how to use it.

Massive integrations support isn’t a loner. It totally understands that you may use third-party apps to manage some of your tasks/projects.

As a result, you can connect to a number of third-party tools. These include:

  • Dropbox
  • Google Calendar
  • Microsoft Calendar
  • OneDrive
  • And Google Drive.

In-built document creator/editor and collaborator 

Documents are an integral part of any project, aren’t they? has an in-built document creator. It’s similar to MS-Word or Google Docs for the most part. 

Anywhere In built document creator

Yes, you can invite your team-members or clients to the documents as well.

Moreover, also lets you “embed/import” documents from third-parties. If you’ve got your document on Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive or any other place, it can import the document directly.

Detailed administration control

Finally, we’re down to one of the most important aspects of any project, administration.

So, controlling employees, clients, supervising them, assigning roles and everything is done through’s “administration” panel.

This is where you add/edit clients and their information. You also get a list of all your employees here. 

I love how specific you can be with your permissions! 

Anywhere administration control settings

As is clear, you can select individual folders/sections of the project that each user will or will not have access to.

Its “Audit Logs” however are my favorite. It shows you the activity history of each user. By history, I do not just mean their task updates and comments.

History here means nearly every click they make on the platform. What board types they viewed, what they exported, which client they viewed and everything in between.

This is something that makes it a better Monday alternative for doing client work than some other options in the industry. 

All in all, it lets you ensure everyone is doing what they should, and “only” what they should. 

Account Security 

Hey, the projects you’re working on may be worth millions, at least potentially, right? You need to make sure your account and the projects are secure, don’t you? has Fort-Knox like security and I don’t say that lightly.

For starters, you can enable 2-FA. Doing this would require an additional authentication from you along with your password for logging in.

Then, it automatically logs users out if they have been idle for some time. 

You can even choose to limit the number of failed login attempts and lock users out once the limit is reached. It even shows you all the login attempts to your account, the IP address, browser, time, result of the attempt and a lot more.

Bottom line? No one’s getting into your account! 

Anywhere Pricing and 30% discount code 

So, it sure is an extremely feature-rich project management tool for client work.

However, is it pocket-friendly? Because hey, all of its feature amount to nothing if it doesn’t fit your pocket, don’t you agree?

Well, costs $0.00.

Yes, the Anywhere free trial lets you try  100% free for 14 days. This is true for all its plans! 

The best part? It doesn’t even ask for your credit card! All you need is an e-mail and you’re set! 

After the trial ends, you can opt for one of these plans:

  • Start; $9.99/User/month
  • Grow: $12.99/User/month
  • Scale: $24.99/User/month.


“You get a 30% discount” 

Yes, it’s just for you. Simply sign up, connect to the live-chat and tell them you’re visiting from Updateland/ and need your 30% discount code! (The things I do for you guys!).

And yes, it’s valid on any plan on . No strings attached. Support

This is a bitter-sweet moment on this review.

So, they’ve a 24X7 live-chat on the site. 

The problem is, the live-chat isn’t exactly available 24X7. The team only works during office hours. Hey, they’re humans too, aren’t they? That was the bitter part of the equation. 

The sweet moment? Well, when the actual support team isn’t working, you may get lucky and get connected directly to the founder and CEO of the company. Yes, he does respond and totally helps you out. 

In my experience, I had some issues with the project not being editable. The CEO actually got on a video-call with me and showed me how to fix it! 

My point being, once you’re connected to their support team, they’ve seriously got some of the most hands-on support you’ll ever see.

Final verdict- Anywhere review

So, is Anywhere the best project management software for client work? 

Hey, I’ve not tried all the options in the market so I wouldn’t term it the “best” outright.

However, out of the 10-12 similar ClickUp alternative for teams doing client work that I did try, Anywhere clearly comes out on top.

It’s simply because of the features it offers, ease of use, compatibility, third-party integration and pricing.

Most similar tools either offer fewer features, or charge more. So, by the feature:price ratio, I’m more than satisfied with

Of course, that’s just my opinion and experience. You should never trust online reviews blindly. Why don’t you go sign up at Anywhere? It’s 100% free for 14 days, no cards needed and that’ll help you understand the tool and this Anywhere review better. 

Unlock The Power Of Project Management Software 

Unlock The Power Of Project Management Software 

Projects, big and small, require careful planning, coordination and execution to achieve desired results within the deadlines. This is where the project management software plays a crucial role. It provides a centralized platform where teams can collaborate, plan and track their projects effectively. Also, organizations can overcome challenges such as misaligned priorities and the need for more transparency. It offers a holistic view of project progress. Land This website and get ready to unlock the power of project management software for greater success and seamless collaboration. 

Boost Team Collaboration and Efficiency 

Efficient team collaboration is the heart of successful project management. The projects are completed on time when team members communicate seamlessly and work together effectively. Instead of relying on scattered emails and phone calls, project management software is a centralized platform where the team members can easily communicate, share multiple information and collaborate in real-time. Whether they are in the same office or spread across different locations, everyone stays connected and updated. 

It also eliminates the barriers that hinder teamwork. They eliminate the need for multiple software applications, reduce confusion, and ensure everyone is on the same page. Moreover, with the help of project management software, to clearly understand their responsibilities and overall project timeline. 

Real-time project monitoring and tracking 

Another benefit of project management software is the ability to enable real-time monitoring of project progress. Instead of relying on sporadic status updates or manual tracking methods, it provides a dashboard that displays the current status of tasks, milestones and overall project progress. Task manager and all the stakeholders are able to approach this dashboard no matter what’s going on. They gain valuable insights into the project’s health and success. 

Real time monitoring process will give the surety to the manager that they are equipped with the latest and updated information. Team leader will detect the potential delays, bottlenecks that might occur during the project lifespan. 

Centralized Document And File Management

Centralizing project documents and files in a secure and easily accessible platform is key to streamlining collaboration, ensuring version control and enhancing document management efficiency. Instead of relying on scattered folders, email attachments or external storage devices, it offers a dedicated space where project-related documents can be organized. 

This ensures that any team member can easily locate, and access the document they need, saving time and reducing frustration. With document management, project teams can bid farewell to version control issues. It allows for document versioning, ensuring everyone works with the most up-to-date file version. In case of any changes or updates to a document, project management software maintains revision history, making it easy to track changes and revert to previous versions. If necessary. 

Moreover, document collaboration is greatly enhanced through project management software. Instead of sending documents back and forth via email or struggling with conflicting edits, team members can collaborate on documents within the software. Multiple users can work on the same document simultaneously, making edits, leaving comments or suggesting changes in real-time. 

Transparency Reporting and Analytics

Timely and accurate reporting is important for effective project management. It has enhanced the reporting and analytics features and thus empowers the teams to generate comprehensive reports and achieve valuable insights into project performance. Also, project management software will help automate the report-generating process instead of manually compiling data from various resources. It creates regular reports with just a few clicks, saving precious time and effort. These reports provide a holistic view of project progress, milestones achieved and all the upcoming deadlines we need to meet. 

Comprehensive project reports offer detailed insight into resource allocation and provide valuable analytics on performance. With the help of data visualization and analytics tools, managers can easily analyze key performance indicators such as task completion rates, project delays and team productivity. With integrated tracking capabilities, project managers can monitor project expenses, track budget visualization and ensure that projects stay within the allocated budget. Marketing companies throughout the world like Dlinx Outreach, Amazon, Ogilvy and more have adapted the project management softwares to enhance their team productivity and drive better results.

Mitigating Risk And Delays

Another key benefit of project management software is its ability to identify the potential risk and how to address them proactively. Also, it enables the task manager to develop risk registers and logs where they can document and track identified risks throughout the completion. Changes seem inevitable in any project, and this software provides a structured approach to managing them. Centralizing change requests and providing workflows for review and approval ensures that changes are properly managed and accessed. 

Wrap Up

With the help of this discussion, we have explored all the maximum benefits of project management software. Whether it’s a small-scale or large-scale project, this software provides all the important tools and functionalities required to streamline workflow. There is a need to accept the power of the software and unlock its potential to bring your project to new heights of success and efficiency.  

Project Free Tv

Blog Post

Project Free TV – 27 Best Alternatives To Watch Movies In 2021 

Imagine how boring life would be without any source of entertainment. After all, movies and TV shows have become a part of our lives.

At the end of the day or week, a person looks forward to just chill with non-stop, ad-free movies or to continue the series they started watching.

One such entertainment source is the website of project free TV. However, recently it has been noticed that this website is not working and there are chances it will completely stop in the future.

It is a real heart-breaking situation. But don’t just lose hope as we have prepared a list of 27 perfect alternatives to project free TV. They all offer fantastic doses of entertainment that will help you in keeping the boredom away.

So without any more suspense or further ado, we present you the list of 27 best alternatives for project free TV.

Top Alternatives For Project Free TV

The opening website on this list which turns out to be one of the best alternatives for project free TV is none other than solarmovie.

Solarmovies is a popular movie and TV series streaming website with millions of users. The reason why so many people choose this website is not only the white collection but also the additional features.

Read: SolarMovie – 18 Best Sites to Watch Free Movies Online in 2021

Firstly, this website is absolutely free, and the ads don’t pop up once the playback has started. Moreover, the interface is also very user-friendly. On the homepage, you can find the search bar through which you can find the desired content you want. There are various filters that offer suggestions, as well.

Check it Out

The second website to make its way on this list is the watch series. When it comes to the collection of content, then this website gives some really tough competition with its overwhelming varieties.

The watch series will be there for you in times of happiness and sadness to freshen your mood with loads of entertainment. You don’t have to spend a single penny or make any kind of registrations to use this website.

Read: 10 TheWatchSeries Alternatives To Watch TV Series Online in 2021

The navigations are also pretty simple, and you get the list of all the trending movies in series on the home page itself along with the search bar.

Check it Out

If you haven’t tried Flixster yet, then you have missed out on a lot of fun. But don’t worry as you can make it up to it by using the website now.

This website has the most simple and easy navigations. You can find what is trending along with the search bar on the home page. This website also displays the ratings of each content which helps in getting better insight and decision making.

It also shows the list of ‘coming soon’ so you can make your movie plans accordingly. This website is also absolutely free, with almost no ads at all. Sounds unbelievable? Then try it yourself, and you won’t be disappointed.

Check it Out

It is very rare that you won’t find a movie or TV series on Dailymotion. From Asian Dramas to American sitcoms, Dailymotion always keeps itself updated.

The interface is also simple, and again, this website is also absolutely free. You get streaming qualities from 144p to HD. The ads don’t show up during the playback. The only demerit this website has is that some of its content does not display in full screen.

Check it Out

Whether in a mood to watch something new or repeat what I have watched ten times already, Cmovies HD will always be there to help.

This website can make you laugh through friends or cry over The fault in Our Stars. Documentaries and biographies are also available on this website. You may have to go to the trouble of ads but not after the movie starts playing.

The thing with this website is that it redirects you to different links for ads which can sometimes be annoying. But on the bright side, it is free and has got some really amazing and crispy content with easy navigations.

Check it Out

You know it’s time to bring popcorn when we mention Popcorn movies. Streaming with amazing quality, this website offers numerous genres.

You can find the latest releases of 2021 easily on this website, and the same goes for the old classics. Its app is also available to download, and that too is absolutely free. And with the app, you don’t have to go through advertisements at all.

The option to download is also available with this website, and the interface is pretty simple.

Check it Out

The name of this website speaks for itself. With over thousands of daily visitors, Seriesfreetv is a growing popular website for streaming movies and series for free.

The content on this website is wild as well with both the latest and oldest releases. If you are more into watching the old classic, then this website is more suitable for you.

The advertisements are also minimal, and you don’t have to go through any kind of registration or sign up. Overall this website is worth the shot.

Check it Out

My download tube is a website that not only streams free movies and series but also allows its users to play free games.

This website is your type if you prefer downloading movies more than watching them online. The content on this website will definitely amaze you.

However, this website is tough when it comes to ads. There are numerous pop-up ads on this website. Avoid this website if you lose patience quickly. But overall, this website is the best when it comes to downloading.

Check it Out

123Hulu has been in the movies and series streaming game for three years straight. This website covers it all from animation to horror.

123Hulu is another free website that does not ask for any form of registrations. The number of ads on this website is also very less. Movies like Honeyland, Little monsters, Titanic etcetera are all available to watch for free on this website.

Check it Out

Movies 4k offers the best content in the best quality. The interface of this website is so fancy that you may misunderstand it for a paid website.

This website offers a huge collection of movies and series and covers almost all of the latest releases. Even though this website is free, the number of ads is almost zero.

It also displays the IMDB ratings. In conclusion, this website is definitely a must to try.

Check it Out

Another perfect alternative for project free TV is popcornflix. This website is also the perfect partner of popcorn with the amazing and wide collection it offers.

Popcornflix is a free to use website. Though if you choose to log in, then you can keep track of what you have watched and the suggestions will also show up accordingly. The navigation of the website is pretty easy, and the ads are minimal.

Check it Out

Movies time is another movie and series streaming website that has its application for download available.

The website is great, but if you download the application, then you don’t have to go through ads, and you also get the download option.

Just released movies are also available on Movies Time. Though, the quality is not always good in such cases. All in all, this website is totally worth trying.

Check it Out

Turn your couch towards your screen and get ready for the adventure of full-on entertainment without spending a single penny with CouchTuner.

This free website offers a variety of content. Along with movies and series, cartoons, documentaries, biographies, science fiction, animé are all available on this website.

The interface of this website is easy. However, this website redirects you to different links from time to time. Besides that, everything with this website is completely fine, and it is a perfect source for entertainment.

Check it Out

Once you use this website, you will be thankful to its owner. Primewire is another movie and series streaming website that offers free and wide content.

The navigations of this website are way too easy. The home page displays only the search bar, and you get the filter and suggestions option after selecting them from the top corner.

It is another type of website that has almost no ads. Streaming with this website is easy, but if you are looking for HD quality content, then you have to choose the premium version for which you have to pay.

Check it Out

The name in itself declares that it is time to say yes to movies. Yesmovies is another perfect alternative for project free TV. This website has got great quality content with super easy navigations for streaming.

Shows like How I met your Mother, Grey’s anatomy, Money Heist, The Big Bang Theory, and so on are available on this website. The movie content is also amazing with options of Frozen 2, Jumanji: The Next Level, Joker, Underwater, Avengers: Endgame, Parasite, and so on.

The interface of this website is very similar to primewire, and the ads don’t show up after playback has started.

Check it Out

Kiss Asian is a website made for you if you are more into Asian dramas. The collection of dramas will never fail to amaze you as even the ongoing ones are available on this website.

Furthermore, you can also download from Kiss Asian and stream in whatever quality you want with subtitles. Popular Dramas like Boys Over Flowers, Hotel De Luna, Legends Of The Blue Sea, Uncontrollably Fond, He is Psychometric, My little Princess, Full house, The Heirs, Playful Kiss and so on are all available on this website.

This website also has English Shows but not many. Basically, this website is for someone who is Asian or in love with Asian movies and dramas.

Check it Out

GoStream is another perfect alternative for project free TV. It is owned and operated from Vietnam and has around 100 million users worldwide.

The reason why so many people use this website is because of the easy navigations, amazing content, free uses, and a minimal number of ads. However, you do have to sign up for free in order to use this website.

Check it Out

Stream2watch is a fun and free website that allows its users to stream various movies and TV series online.

The advertisements on this website do show up but not after you started the playback. The navigations are also pretty simple with the search bar being displayed on the top.

This website holds a decent content of movies and series and is good for some time pass.

Check it Out

Bored with the usuals and want to try something new? Well, then Fmovies is a perfect choice.

This streaming media platform allows its users to download or stream movies and TV series for free. The website has a very less number of ads and navigations are straightforward and therefore easy.

Read: Fmovies – 15 Best Alternatives and Sites Like FMovies [2021 Updated]

The variety of contents this website holds is pretty unique. All the popular shows and blockbuster hits are available on this website.

But along with that, movies and shows which were good but didn’t quite make it into the charts are also available to explore.

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HDO movies may not look very appealing on the first look but hey, don’t judge a book by its cover as this website is more fantastic than you can imagine.

The interface is pretty simple. Movies assorted in alphabetical orders and also in terms of popularity. The home page displays the search bar along with the trending media.

The site also offers ratings and reviews so you can have a little detail about the movie or show before you watch it. Advertisements are also less in numbers, and every service is free.

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Netflix is currently the leading website for streaming and downloading media. The name of Netflix has become a brand that everyone knows.

Netflix covers the widest range of genres including biographies, documentaries, podcast series and so on. You can either use the website or download its application. The interface of both of them is very classy and easy to use.

This website is a paid one, and therefore you will never encounter any ad. Netflix also produces its own series and shows which have amazing plots and are liked by people worldwide. You can use the free trial and check this platform on your own.

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Hulu is a great platform to watch movies and series and have the perfect amount of entertainment. Hulu has plenty of genres available with over thousands of movies and series.

However, to have access to those, you need to pay $12.99 per month. The navigation and interface of this website are amazing, and it is needless to say that there are no ads on this platform.

A free trial is available for one month. So, you can use that and check if this site suits your type or not.

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Amazon Prime is another paid platform for streaming and downloading movies and TV series and other forms of media.

Like Netflix, Amazon Prime also produces its own shows which usually go superhit. The interface of this website is amazing, and there are no ads since it is paid.

Moreover, you can also have access to Amazon music and additional amazon delivery services once you make a purchase. A free trial for Amazon Prime is also available.

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The name says B but the movies and series it has definitely made it an A-class media streaming website.

The first thing that is displayed on this website is a search bar, and you can go to the homepage for further options of what is trending and other suggestions.

B Movies website has an extremely simple interface that allows you to use this website with ease. You will always find something that suits your taste on this website no matter what types of plots you are into.

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Crackle is another ad-supported video streaming platform that allows its users to have access to various movies and TV series.

The ads don’t show up once the playback has started. The navigations of this website are easy and can be controlled by anyone. However, unfortunately, the website is restricted in some regions.

The content this website offers is excellent, and the streaming quality is available in 360p or 720p as well as in HD quality.

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GoMovies is a movie and series streaming website that will make you cheer for it once you start using it.

The collection this website has is simply awesome, and the interface is similar to Primewire and Yesmovies, which means that it has a search bar on the home page and for the rest of the filters we have to choose from the top corner.

Advertisements rarely show up on this website and did I forgot to mention that it is free? Yes, all the amazing services can be availed without spending money.

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Just like the name suggests, AZmovies covers a to z movie and series with the wide range and collection it has.

This website is again another perfect alternative for project free TV. It offers free access to all of its movies and TV content. The navigations of this website are simple and straightforward.

You don’t have to deal with many pop-up ads on this website. The website shows filters of ‘top 10 movies’, ‘new movies’, and ‘just added’ which helps in deciding what to watch.

This platform also has the releases of 2021 such as Scoobi, The Outpost, The Hunt, The High Note, Babyteeth, Tenet, and so on. Overall, this website can be your perfect partner in crime when you plan to call it a movie night.

Check it Out


So these were all the perfect alternatives for project free TV. No matter what you taste is in movies, you will always find your perfect dose of entertainment through the website mentioned above.

Now that you know about them, it is time to get your snacks and prepare yourself for the journey of entertainment. Also, share this list with your friends and help them have the same exciting entertainment.


This incredible platform offers tons of TV shows to watch online without any cost. No matter what age you are, you can just go on the site and watch your favorite Tv show to spend quality time with your family and friends.

There is no doubt in it that the platform is illegal due to piracy issues. The website doesn’t host any content and provides several links for the content. Due to copyright issues, many competitors in this domain oppose these platforms as they lose a significant amount of profit. Also, your device may be subjected to several risks.

The platform provides links to other 3rd-party sources for all the content. It individually does not host any of the content on its server. Also, the platform promotes many ads. So there might be some risk where your privacy and data can be in danger. So, ensure the proper safety of your device with VPN and other anti-theft software.

As the platform provided free content, any giants in the market lost a handful of their investment. So, due to piracy issues, the platform went offline in July 2017. There are some alternatives available but there is no guarantee that they will work properly. But don’t worry. We have provided a list of top alternatives where you can watch your favorite content easily.

Here are some major features of these online platforms

1.   Free content for users.

2.   Option for custom captions is available.

3.   Users can watch the content anytime, anywhere with a good internet connection.

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Using Project Free Tv Earn You Fine

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Using Project Free TV earn you fine?

Planning on downloading and then watching offline the latest episodes of your favourate web series? Many of us love to watch premium TV shows but don’t like to pay the hefty fine for the same. So, what to do in that case? Well, we are here with the solution. Yes, we all know that we will suggest you to watch pirated content. But many of you might be confused about what is illegal and what is not? So, here we will clarify that for you.

You can watch pirated content there is no doubt about that. And many of us do watch that as well. But are you afraid that something wrong might happen? Well, many of you might not know but Project Free TV is one of the emerging online streaming websites for illegal content. They are a single platform where they can suggest where to watch the content you are looking for. And thus you might consider that this is illegal because they are directing you towards illegal content. And you must know that watching illegal content has got some serious implications. It is not that easy.  But you might not be aware that watching them might earn you some serious penalty issues. These penalty issues combine both imprisonment and hefty fines and some other charges which vary from country to country. You might know that it is illegal content uploading and downloading both is unlawful. But you will be surprised to know that what Project Free TV does is 100% legal? Keep reading. 

Project search engine is actually a search engine and not a video streaming platform. And this is the major reason why they don’t upload any content, they only show where the illegal content is. But even then the makers of Project Free TV are always blamed that they are into illegal business. Even time and again they have faced a number of legal issues as well. And this has led to shutting down the website and the website has also gone into offline mode for a number of times as well. But the viewers and followers of Project Free TV are also endless. People love to watch Project Free TV and follow it and thus whenever it is online they rush to the website to watch their favorite TV shows and the website makes money. There are a number of proxy websites also on Project Free Tv. 

But some of the facts which you must know is that it is fine and completely legal if you watch illegal content in private. But downloading and uploading the same is strictly not allowed. And watching illegal content in a public space is strictly not allowed. And making money out of it also falls into the illegal category. 

Also, one of the most important fact is that Project free TV points users towards the streaming links rather than the downloading links. And thus any activity on the project free site is completely legal and thus there is no fear of fine or penalty. 

But in case you are planning to download illegal content then you must be worried about fine. In case you are living in Britain then there is 10 year imprisonment. They are pretty serious about downloading and uploading of illegal content. Whereas in US, you might earn some fines only and no imprisonment. And the fine amount is quite large here. 

Since the2000 era, rather than directly suing the copyright violators they are using copyright trolls. And this is the major new trend here. Copyright trolls are known to contact the offer enders by using IP addresses and then ask them to pay for the fine by using settlement letters. Rather than taking the matter to the court, it is opted that it must be settled outside the court premises only. 

It is highly unlikely that any such imprisonment, fine or settlement letters cases might occur to you. But even in such case you might be prepared and thus avoid downloading and uploading illegal content. It is always advisable to go for only streaming. Thus, if you are into illegal and pirated content then you must stick to only streaming rather than downloading and uploading.

Ellen Hollington is a freelance writer who offers to ghostwrite, copywriting, and blogging services. She works closely with B2C and B2B businesses providing digital marketing content that gains social media attention and increases their search engine visibility.

About 3.3 million people use voice-activated search in the present world, according to statistics as phrases like “OK Google,” “Hey

Project Free Tv

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Project Free TV – 27 Best Alternatives To Watch Movies In 2021 

Imagine how boring life would be without any source of entertainment. After all, movies and TV shows have become a part of our lives.

At the end of the day or week, a person looks forward to just chill with non-stop, ad-free movies or to continue the series they started watching.

One such entertainment source is the website of project free TV. However, recently it has been noticed that this website is not working and there are chances it will completely stop in the future.

It is a real heart-breaking situation. But don’t just lose hope as we have prepared a list of 27 perfect alternatives to project free TV. They all offer fantastic doses of entertainment that will help you in keeping the boredom away.

So without any more suspense or further ado, we present you the list of 27 best alternatives for project free TV.

Top Alternatives For Project Free TV

The opening website on this list which turns out to be one of the best alternatives for project free TV is none other than solarmovie.

Solarmovies is a popular movie and TV series streaming website with millions of users. The reason why so many people choose this website is not only the white collection but also the additional features.

Read: SolarMovie – 18 Best Sites to Watch Free Movies Online in 2021

Firstly, this website is absolutely free, and the ads don’t pop up once the playback has started. Moreover, the interface is also very user-friendly. On the homepage, you can find the search bar through which you can find the desired content you want. There are various filters that offer suggestions, as well.

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The second website to make its way on this list is the watch series. When it comes to the collection of content, then this website gives some really tough competition with its overwhelming varieties.

The watch series will be there for you in times of happiness and sadness to freshen your mood with loads of entertainment. You don’t have to spend a single penny or make any kind of registrations to use this website.

Read: 10 TheWatchSeries Alternatives To Watch TV Series Online in 2021

The navigations are also pretty simple, and you get the list of all the trending movies in series on the home page itself along with the search bar.

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If you haven’t tried Flixster yet, then you have missed out on a lot of fun. But don’t worry as you can make it up to it by using the website now.

This website has the most simple and easy navigations. You can find what is trending along with the search bar on the home page. This website also displays the ratings of each content which helps in getting better insight and decision making.

It also shows the list of ‘coming soon’ so you can make your movie plans accordingly. This website is also absolutely free, with almost no ads at all. Sounds unbelievable? Then try it yourself, and you won’t be disappointed.

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It is very rare that you won’t find a movie or TV series on Dailymotion. From Asian Dramas to American sitcoms, Dailymotion always keeps itself updated.

The interface is also simple, and again, this website is also absolutely free. You get streaming qualities from 144p to HD. The ads don’t show up during the playback. The only demerit this website has is that some of its content does not display in full screen.

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Whether in a mood to watch something new or repeat what I have watched ten times already, Cmovies HD will always be there to help.

This website can make you laugh through friends or cry over The fault in Our Stars. Documentaries and biographies are also available on this website. You may have to go to the trouble of ads but not after the movie starts playing.

The thing with this website is that it redirects you to different links for ads which can sometimes be annoying. But on the bright side, it is free and has got some really amazing and crispy content with easy navigations.

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You know it’s time to bring popcorn when we mention Popcorn movies. Streaming with amazing quality, this website offers numerous genres.

You can find the latest releases of 2021 easily on this website, and the same goes for the old classics. Its app is also available to download, and that too is absolutely free. And with the app, you don’t have to go through advertisements at all.

The option to download is also available with this website, and the interface is pretty simple.

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The name of this website speaks for itself. With over thousands of daily visitors, Seriesfreetv is a growing popular website for streaming movies and series for free.

The content on this website is wild as well with both the latest and oldest releases. If you are more into watching the old classic, then this website is more suitable for you.

The advertisements are also minimal, and you don’t have to go through any kind of registration or sign up. Overall this website is worth the shot.

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My download tube is a website that not only streams free movies and series but also allows its users to play free games.

This website is your type if you prefer downloading movies more than watching them online. The content on this website will definitely amaze you.

However, this website is tough when it comes to ads. There are numerous pop-up ads on this website. Avoid this website if you lose patience quickly. But overall, this website is the best when it comes to downloading.

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123Hulu has been in the movies and series streaming game for three years straight. This website covers it all from animation to horror.

123Hulu is another free website that does not ask for any form of registrations. The number of ads on this website is also very less. Movies like Honeyland, Little monsters, Titanic etcetera are all available to watch for free on this website.

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Movies 4k offers the best content in the best quality. The interface of this website is so fancy that you may misunderstand it for a paid website.

This website offers a huge collection of movies and series and covers almost all of the latest releases. Even though this website is free, the number of ads is almost zero.

It also displays the IMDB ratings. In conclusion, this website is definitely a must to try.

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Another perfect alternative for project free TV is popcornflix. This website is also the perfect partner of popcorn with the amazing and wide collection it offers.

Popcornflix is a free to use website. Though if you choose to log in, then you can keep track of what you have watched and the suggestions will also show up accordingly. The navigation of the website is pretty easy, and the ads are minimal.

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Movies time is another movie and series streaming website that has its application for download available.

The website is great, but if you download the application, then you don’t have to go through ads, and you also get the download option.

Just released movies are also available on Movies Time. Though, the quality is not always good in such cases. All in all, this website is totally worth trying.

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Turn your couch towards your screen and get ready for the adventure of full-on entertainment without spending a single penny with CouchTuner.

This free website offers a variety of content. Along with movies and series, cartoons, documentaries, biographies, science fiction, animé are all available on this website.

The interface of this website is easy. However, this website redirects you to different links from time to time. Besides that, everything with this website is completely fine, and it is a perfect source for entertainment.

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Once you use this website, you will be thankful to its owner. Primewire is another movie and series streaming website that offers free and wide content.

The navigations of this website are way too easy. The home page displays only the search bar, and you get the filter and suggestions option after selecting them from the top corner.

It is another type of website that has almost no ads. Streaming with this website is easy, but if you are looking for HD quality content, then you have to choose the premium version for which you have to pay.

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The name in itself declares that it is time to say yes to movies. Yesmovies is another perfect alternative for project free TV. This website has got great quality content with super easy navigations for streaming.

Shows like How I met your Mother, Grey’s anatomy, Money Heist, The Big Bang Theory, and so on are available on this website. The movie content is also amazing with options of Frozen 2, Jumanji: The Next Level, Joker, Underwater, Avengers: Endgame, Parasite, and so on.

The interface of this website is very similar to primewire, and the ads don’t show up after playback has started.

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Kiss Asian is a website made for you if you are more into Asian dramas. The collection of dramas will never fail to amaze you as even the ongoing ones are available on this website.

Furthermore, you can also download from Kiss Asian and stream in whatever quality you want with subtitles. Popular Dramas like Boys Over Flowers, Hotel De Luna, Legends Of The Blue Sea, Uncontrollably Fond, He is Psychometric, My little Princess, Full house, The Heirs, Playful Kiss and so on are all available on this website.

This website also has English Shows but not many. Basically, this website is for someone who is Asian or in love with Asian movies and dramas.

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GoStream is another perfect alternative for project free TV. It is owned and operated from Vietnam and has around 100 million users worldwide.

The reason why so many people use this website is because of the easy navigations, amazing content, free uses, and a minimal number of ads. However, you do have to sign up for free in order to use this website.

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Stream2watch is a fun and free website that allows its users to stream various movies and TV series online.

The advertisements on this website do show up but not after you started the playback. The navigations are also pretty simple with the search bar being displayed on the top.

This website holds a decent content of movies and series and is good for some time pass.

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Bored with the usuals and want to try something new? Well, then Fmovies is a perfect choice.

This streaming media platform allows its users to download or stream movies and TV series for free. The website has a very less number of ads and navigations are straightforward and therefore easy.

Read: Fmovies – 15 Best Alternatives and Sites Like FMovies [2021 Updated]

The variety of contents this website holds is pretty unique. All the popular shows and blockbuster hits are available on this website.

But along with that, movies and shows which were good but didn’t quite make it into the charts are also available to explore.

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HDO movies may not look very appealing on the first look but hey, don’t judge a book by its cover as this website is more fantastic than you can imagine.

The interface is pretty simple. Movies assorted in alphabetical orders and also in terms of popularity. The home page displays the search bar along with the trending media.

The site also offers ratings and reviews so you can have a little detail about the movie or show before you watch it. Advertisements are also less in numbers, and every service is free.

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Netflix is currently the leading website for streaming and downloading media. The name of Netflix has become a brand that everyone knows.

Netflix covers the widest range of genres including biographies, documentaries, podcast series and so on. You can either use the website or download its application. The interface of both of them is very classy and easy to use.

This website is a paid one, and therefore you will never encounter any ad. Netflix also produces its own series and shows which have amazing plots and are liked by people worldwide. You can use the free trial and check this platform on your own.

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Hulu is a great platform to watch movies and series and have the perfect amount of entertainment. Hulu has plenty of genres available with over thousands of movies and series.

However, to have access to those, you need to pay $12.99 per month. The navigation and interface of this website are amazing, and it is needless to say that there are no ads on this platform.

A free trial is available for one month. So, you can use that and check if this site suits your type or not.

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Amazon Prime is another paid platform for streaming and downloading movies and TV series and other forms of media.

Like Netflix, Amazon Prime also produces its own shows which usually go superhit. The interface of this website is amazing, and there are no ads since it is paid.

Moreover, you can also have access to Amazon music and additional amazon delivery services once you make a purchase. A free trial for Amazon Prime is also available.

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The name says B but the movies and series it has definitely made it an A-class media streaming website.

The first thing that is displayed on this website is a search bar, and you can go to the homepage for further options of what is trending and other suggestions.

B Movies website has an extremely simple interface that allows you to use this website with ease. You will always find something that suits your taste on this website no matter what types of plots you are into.

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Crackle is another ad-supported video streaming platform that allows its users to have access to various movies and TV series.

The ads don’t show up once the playback has started. The navigations of this website are easy and can be controlled by anyone. However, unfortunately, the website is restricted in some regions.

The content this website offers is excellent, and the streaming quality is available in 360p or 720p as well as in HD quality.

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GoMovies is a movie and series streaming website that will make you cheer for it once you start using it.

The collection this website has is simply awesome, and the interface is similar to Primewire and Yesmovies, which means that it has a search bar on the home page and for the rest of the filters we have to choose from the top corner.

Advertisements rarely show up on this website and did I forgot to mention that it is free? Yes, all the amazing services can be availed without spending money.

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Just like the name suggests, AZmovies covers a to z movie and series with the wide range and collection it has.

This website is again another perfect alternative for project free TV. It offers free access to all of its movies and TV content. The navigations of this website are simple and straightforward.

You don’t have to deal with many pop-up ads on this website. The website shows filters of ‘top 10 movies’, ‘new movies’, and ‘just added’ which helps in deciding what to watch.

This platform also has the releases of 2021 such as Scoobi, The Outpost, The Hunt, The High Note, Babyteeth, Tenet, and so on. Overall, this website can be your perfect partner in crime when you plan to call it a movie night.

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So these were all the perfect alternatives for project free TV. No matter what you taste is in movies, you will always find your perfect dose of entertainment through the website mentioned above.

Now that you know about them, it is time to get your snacks and prepare yourself for the journey of entertainment. Also, share this list with your friends and help them have the same exciting entertainment.


This incredible platform offers tons of TV shows to watch online without any cost. No matter what age you are, you can just go on the site and watch your favorite Tv show to spend quality time with your family and friends.

There is no doubt in it that the platform is illegal due to piracy issues. The website doesn’t host any content and provides several links for the content. Due to copyright issues, many competitors in this domain oppose these platforms as they lose a significant amount of profit. Also, your device may be subjected to several risks.

The platform provides links to other 3rd-party sources for all the content. It individually does not host any of the content on its server. Also, the platform promotes many ads. So there might be some risk where your privacy and data can be in danger. So, ensure the proper safety of your device with VPN and other anti-theft software.

As the platform provided free content, any giants in the market lost a handful of their investment. So, due to piracy issues, the platform went offline in July 2017. There are some alternatives available but there is no guarantee that they will work properly. But don’t worry. We have provided a list of top alternatives where you can watch your favorite content easily.

Here are some major features of these online platforms

1.   Free content for users.

2.   Option for custom captions is available.

3.   Users can watch the content anytime, anywhere with a good internet connection.

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