Fotor Review: Is It Best AI Photo Generator And Editor ?

Fotor Review: Is It Best AI Photo Generator And Editor ?

Fotor review: Is it the best AI photo generator and editor out there? Well, it certainly claims so, and much more.

In this review, I will review Fotor’s AI features live. Meaning, I’ll use each feature and show you the results right here!

Let’s see just how well Fotor handles “Girl sitting on a moon mountain reading about Earth, ultra realistic, 8K, wide shot” eh?

Oh, it’s free! Yes, you can sign up without paying a penny and use it for 3 days before you’re charged. Hence, rest assured, your money only leaves you if you really want it to!

What is Fotor A.I?

I’m sure you’ve heard of Fotor, haven’t you? It’s one of the oldest, most well-established online photo editing apps out there.

Well, it started out as a basic photo editing app. I initially used it to remove backgrounds, change photo colours, apply filters etc.

However, the subject of this review is its recent A.I integration. With the world being taken over, how could Fotor not join the race.

Currently, Fotor A.I offers the following features:

  • Text to image
  • Image to image
  • Old photo restorer
  • AI Avatar
  • Face Unblur
  • AI Background generator
  • AI Skin retouch
  • Background blur
  • Magic remove
  • AI Art effects
  • And colour splash.

Of course we will review each of these features and see how effective they are.

Why trust this Fotor review?

Because, this Fotor review IS NOT PAID! It’s not sponsored. Everything in this review is my personal and honest experience with the tool.

Everything I like or dislike will be mentioned here with utmost honesty. The goal of the review here isn’t to sell Fotor to you, but to get you an honest idea of the tool’s capabilities.

Let’s get started then?

Text to Image

“Text to image” seemed impossible and magic just last year for most of us, didn’t it?  Well, not anymore.

Now, there are hundreds of “text to image” A.I tools out there today. However, a few features that Fotor offers do make it stand out.

For starters, you can choose from nearly a dozen styles. Some available options include:

Fotor review text to image

  • Japanese Anime
  • Cartoon
  • 3D
  • Oil Painting
  • Concept Art
  • Photography
  • Anime illustration
  • Psychedelic pop
  • B&W
  • Ukiyo-E

Then, you can also select the aspect ratio for your image. It can be:

  • 1:1
  • 4:3
  • Or 3:4

Finally, you can choose how many images you wish to generate for each prompt.

For now, I’m using this prompt- “A teen  girl, reading a book, on a mountain..”  Yes, I’m using simple prompt just to verify how good the A.I truly is.  For the style I chose “Oil Painting”.

Here’s the result:

Fotor review generate for each prompt

Pretty impressive, eh?

To test the A.I further, I’m changing the style to “Japanese Anime” for the exact same prompt! This will tell us how effective the style feature is.

Fotor review style feature

Well, those differences are stark and pretty specific to the “Style”, eh?

I tried the same prompt on all (yes, ALL) the available styles and must say I’m definitely happy (so far).

Let’s see how its Image to Image A.I works then.

Image to Image

This Fotor A.I feature lets you generate a new image by taking another image as a reference.

You can upload your photo and choose the style for whatever you wish to generate, currently the following are available:

Fotor review Image to Image

  • Anime X 2 (two different Anime styles)
  • Cartoon self
  • Disney X2 (two different Disney styles)
  • Barbie
  • Ken (from Barbie)
  • American Comic
  • Fairytale
  • Fashion Cartoon
  • Game Art Style
  • And Illustration Art.

For this test, let’s turn Taylor (yes, the Swift) into an Anime, eh? I used the image on Taylor’s Instagram.

Here are the original images and the final result:

Fotor review Taylor’s Instagram

I’ll say it came out pretty good, eh?

Custom “similarity percent”

Fotor has a “similarity percent” slider. It lets you select how similar you want your new A.I generated image to be as compared to the source. The above image was created with a 40% similarity.  I’m changing it to 90% now.

Here’s the result:

Fotor review Custom similarity percent

Well, that definitely is 90% similar, wouldn’t you agree? It got subtle Japanese Anime hints because I only allowed a 10% shift and yet the result is impressive, isn’t it?

Let’s try the “Illustration art style” and see what it can come up with ?

Fotor review Illustration art style

Wow, I’m blown! The result looks like a new illustration without losing its similarity to the source image (similarity was set at 40%).

 Advanced prompt-customization

Just because you’re using the Image to Image A.I, doesn’t mean you can’t input prompts.

Keeping the source image the same, and similarity at a 50% , I inserted the following prompt –“The same girl, in a forest”.

I’m keeping the prompts short cause hey, any A.I can do with long, specific prompts. A good A.I needs to offer good results with vague prompts, don’t you agree?

Here are the results:

Fotor review Advanced prompt customization

Again, the results do seem decent, don’t they?

Hey, Fotor offers many other A.I tools. Let’s discuss them in brief as well?

A.I Avatars

We all need and use Avatars, a lot. The profile picture on our Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and everywhere else.

The problem is, most of us don’t have professional cameras or decent backgrounds. Hence, the photos come out rather unappealing.

That’s where Fotor A.I Avatar should come to the rescue.

It lets you upload an image and make it either:

Fotor review A.I Avatars

  • Professional
  • Or Creative.

You need anywhere between 4-15 images. It’s best if the images are in different dresses, backgrounds and angles to give the A.I enough information to work with.

Here’s an example of what’s possible:

Fotor review A.I enough information

Basically your morning bed photos can be turned into professional photo shoots in seconds.

A.I old photo restorer

We often find very old photographs in the attic, inside old books or just many other places, don’t we? Unfortunately, they’re also often faded, blurred, scratched and in bad conditions.

The Fotor A.I photo restorer should help with that.  It has two primary functions- “restore photo” and “colorize” photos.

Here’s what it gave me when I tried restoring a B&W photo:

Fotor review A.I old photo restorer

Yes, using the slider you can check the old photo vs. the new generation in real-time.

I tried it with 4 images in total and must say the results did impress me every single time.

1-tap Enhance

This is another A.I feature Fotor offers.

Simply upload a photo and tap the 1-tap enhance button.

The image is enhanced in a few seconds without you having to make any manual modifications.

A.I Enlarge (Upscaler)

Did you capture a photo recently but the camera wasn’t very good? Aren’t satisfied with the quality?

The A.I Enlarge feature would upgrade nearly everything about your image.

Fotor review A.I Enlarge (Upscaler)

It upscales, denoises and enhances your images in a single click. And yes, it’s not the same thing as 1-tap enhance. I’ve found the results to be better with the Enlarger.

Magic Remove

Have unwanted people, watermarks, cars, trees or anything else in your photos? The A.I magic remover can remove anything you want, within seconds.

To test the feature, I’ll remove this background dancer in one of Taylor’s photos:

Fotor review Magic Remove



Background remover

I’m sure you know what this is.

You upload any photo, and only the subject remains. Whatever is in the background is completely gone, within seconds. I’ve personally been using the feature for a long time, specially for photos that I use for official purposes.

For this test, I’ll use the Japanese Anime we generated. Here’s how it looks like after the background is removed:

Fotor review Background remover

In seconds I got this transparent background image of the anime that I can literally use anywhere!

It even offers advanced customizations!

You can select specific areas in the background that you’d like to retain or erase!

Similarly, you can select “shadow” for the image. Once the background is removed, the outline can be shadowed for a more professional look. You can select the:

Fotor review shadow

  • Colour of the shadow
  • Transparency
  • Blur level
  • Distance from the subject
  • And even Angle!

A.I skin retouch

Maybe you got freckles on your skin? Too many wrinkles? Got spots maybe?(Hey, you look beautiful either way). A.I skin retouch basically claims to remove all of that and give you a skin that’s just flawless.

To test the feature, I’ll use this beautiful girl’s image by Aa Dil  that I found on Pexels.

I simply upload the image, and click on “Skin Retouch”.

Fotor review Skin Retouch

Within seconds, the freckles and spots were gone. Is it good? You decide.

A.I art effects

These are basically edits for the entire photo. You upload an image and select a style, your image is edited to that style.

Some of the currently available styles include:

Fotor review A.I art effects

  • Picasso
  • Sketch
  • Christmas
  • Pencil drawing
  • Super String
  • Impasto Painting
  • Pastel
  • Van Gogh
  • And dozens of others!

Other Impressive Fotor A.I features

On top of the features we’ve discussed so far, Fotor has many others. These are pretty straightforward and hence I won’t waste your time with detailed discussions.

  • Face unblur: You upload a blurred image, Fotor unblurs it. As simple as that.
  • Colour splash: You upload an image, move your brush over areas that you want to keep coloured. Everything else is greyscaled. You can choose the intensity manually.
  • HDR: It lets you upload your photos and turns them into HDR. It’s basically a lifesaver if you’re a professional photographer and ultra high-res details are what you need.

Fotor Pricing plans and free trial

The features seem all well & good, but, how much does Fotor cost? That’s probably the most important question here for most of us, isn’t it?

Fotor doesn’t cost anything. For the first 3 days at least. Yes, there’s a free 3-day trial. This lets you judge the tool’s potential without having to trust “online reviews” blindly.

Then, there’s even a free forever plan!  Although it doesn’t have any A.I features.

A.I features are available on its paid plans:

  • Fotor Pro starts at $3.33/month- 100 A.I credits/month (1 image generation = 1 credit).
  • Fotor Pro + starts at $7.49/month and offers 300 A.I credits/month.

Fotor review- Final verdict

As mentioned earlier, this review primarily focused on Fotor’s A.I features. Personally, I’m impressed and I’m sure you know why. For most of the features, I’ve tried to use the feature and show you the results throughout this Fotor review.

Of course, you shouldn’t just take my word for it. That’s where Fotor’s 3-day free trial comes to the rescue.

Go sign up for free, test it out and then decide if it’s worth your time!

NightCafe Review: Is It Best AI Art Generator?

NightCafe Review: Is It Best AI Art Generator?

NightCafe review 2023: With all these text to image AI generation tools, it’s hard to decide which of these are worth your time, isn’t it? 

Well, one such contender is NightCafe. If you need a “forever free” text to image generator, that offers tons of advanced settings and control, this review is for you.

Of course, it may or may not click with you. Throughout this review, I’ll discuss its strongest and weakest aspects and let you decide if it’s worth your time. 

Let’s get started then? 

What is NightCafe?

NightCafe is a text to image AI tool. It lets you write a prompt, and generates an image for you. 

Some of its primary features include:

  • Website:
  • Forever free
  • 9 AI models
  • 40+ styles
  • Advanced prompt builder
  • Extreme control over images (resolution/aspect ratio etc.)
  • Daily challenges
  • Never-expiring credits. 


This is what you’ll see when you first land on Nightcafe studio. Most of what you need to use is on the left sidebar. Of course, that’s what we will discuss in detail throughout this Nightcafe review. 

Nightcafe User Interface

The center screen is where your creations are displayed and the right sidebar is where you get additional features such as chat/ history etc. 

If you click on the “gear” icon on the left sidebar, you’ll gain access to the “settings” page. It has basic settings that most of you wouldn’t even touch. For E.g. you can toggle the dark mode/ switch to old interface etc.

Nightcafe User Interface Settings

So far, the interface doesn’t seem “hard”. However, if it’s your first-ever text to image AI experience the options may seem a bit overwhelming. You’ll learn more about the interface as we proceed on this Nightcafe review. 

9 AI models to choose from 

AI models are basically the AI’s “knowledge” about art. This is what tells the A.I what comes in the next pixel, what shapes go where, and so on. Your art would vary dramatically depending on which model you’ve chosen. 

Nightcafe offers you 9 AI models to choose from.

Nightcafe AI Models

  • Stable Diffusion
  • Coherent
  • Artistic
  • Style transfer
  • DALL-E2
  • Multiple SDXL versions 

If you aren’t sure which to choose, you can simply look at the example previews. They can help you pick what you want your image to look like. 

Over 40 different styles 

The next major control you get over your image is the actual style. This is the AI’s “aesthetic” knowledge. Which colors to use, what the design should look like, the “vibe” or it, and everything else.

Look at these example thumbnails and you’ll understand what it’s all about:

Nightcafe different styles 

All you need to do is click on a style and your image is generated in that exact style for you. 

Resolution/Size and other customizations 

Just like IMGCreator, NightCafe too lets you customize your outputs.

Nightcafe image customizations 

For starters, you can choose the number of images you want generated for each prompt. Do note that each image costs credits hence it’s wise to generate  1 or 4 instead of 9 or 16. 

On the other hand, if you need bulk designs those higher numbers help save a lot of time and effort. 

As for the output resolution, NightCafe only offers one option- 1024X1024. While the lack of options is a downer, the resolution itself is pretty high-quality, isn’t it? 

You then get to choose the “runtime”. This is basically the amount of time the AI spends on your image. 

The longer your runtime, the more detailed and better your video will be. Of course, this results in slower outputs. You basically get to choose between speed/quality. 

And finally, the aspect ratio can be selected as well. You get 5 choices with NightCafe:

  • 1:1
  • 3:4
  • 4:3
  • 9:16
  • 16:9. 

These options overall are what make NightCafe simpler than Midjourney in my opinion.

Advanced mode (prompt weight and Seeds)

This is what separates NightCafe from most other text to image AI tools out there. 

There’s an “advanced mode” that offers you more control over your generated images. It has some settings that we’ve already discussed above but also additional tweaks you can make.

For starters, there’s “overall prompt weight”. This basically decides how similar/accurate/close your new image is, to the prompt you’re using. 

Increasing the prompt weight increases your chances of getting exactly what you typed while decreasing the creative liberty for the A.I. 

It’s best to generally use 50% prompt weight so the AI has the best of both worlds. 

Then there are the “Seeds”. These are extremely important numbers that are generated for each image. 

Now, by default, NightCafe uses a new, random seed for each creation. This gives you those new, different, unique results each time. 

However, you can turn off “random seeds”. You’ll then get the seed being used for your image.

This almost gives you to core control over your future images. If you use this seed, the same seed that you’ve previously used, the newly generated image will be very similar to whatever you’ve previously generated.

Of course, you can introduce a new prompt and change other settings. However, two images with the same seed will be very similar to each other, with only those changes that you’ve manually inserted in the next images.

Although, the seed is also dependent on the models and algorithms. Some models treat even the slightest seed change very strictly (Coherent models) while some do not pay much attention to seed changes anyway (artistic models).

Advanced Prompt Editors 

I know what you’re thinking, We just discussed advanced mode, well, we didn’t. What I’m talking about now is “prompt editors”. 

Yes, NightCafe has this advanced feature where you can “build prompts”, or, better prompts than you normally would.

This is extremely helpful if you’re NOT an artist. The prompt editor gives you access to styles and keywords that you otherwise wouldn’t know about. 

You can add the preset (image style) but “modifiers” are what’s really interesting. 

NightCafe Advanced Prompt Editors

As you can see, there are multiple options, some of these are:

  • Artists
  • Colors
  • Medium
  • Art movement
  • Photography
  • Culture
  • Classic etc. 

Each of these is expanded when clicked. So, you can pick specific artists, painting mediums, descriptive terms, and a lot more. Simply keep clicking what you wish to include and it’s included in your prompts. 

I didn’t even know I could write something like “Mona Lisa in Zdzisław Beksiński style,  pre-raphaeliti, surrealism” before I found the prompt editor! 

The same screen also gives you “NEGATIVE PROMPTS”. These are extremely helpful if you’d like to ensure that certain elements do not come up in your images.  Whatever you type in the negative prompt box is excluded from your image (e.g. “cars”). 

Start images 

You may be someone who needs a bit more hand-holding, and that’s fine. Everyone has their own way of functioning. 

NightCafe has a “Start Images” feature. You can search for, and choose from hundreds of free images. 

NightCafe Start images Feature 

You can then improve upon the start image till you find what you’re looking for. 

Daily Challenges 

NightCafe is big on community-building. One of the things it offers towards the same goal is its “daily challenge”. 

Every day, a theme is published. It can be anything such as a car, mermaids, spaceships, plants and so on.

You can create your images and submit them to the challenges (there’s an in-built button that lets you do so).

Nightcafe Daily Challenges 

Other viewers/creators then vote on these images. At the end of each day, a winner is picked. 

You get free credits if your entry is within the top 20%. You also get free credits simply for voting on 20 images each day. 


I did mention earlier on this NightCafe review that it’s big on community building, didn’t I?

Alike Midjourney, NightCafe too has a “voice chat” feature. You can either create your own or join groups created by others.

Retains history 

Whatever you create isn’t just limited to your screens. You can access your creations even after shutting down your system or signing out. 

There’s a “My Creation” button at the top that retains everything you’ve created using NightCafe. 

Of course, this would mean you’ll need to sign up but hey it only needs an e-mail ID. I’m sure it’s not a bad trade-off eh? 

Never-expiring credits 

NightCafe has this unique credits feature that just deserves its own section on this NightCafe review.

For starters, each credit can generate about 4 images.

Then, unlike all other best text to image AI generation tools I’ve used, NightCafe credits never expire.

Any unused credits in your account roll over to the next month! 

NightCafe pricing- 100% free

Let’s address the Elephant in the room. How much does NightCafe cost?

Nothing! It’s free. 100%. You can keep using NightCafe for free as you get some free credits as a sign up bonus, and then free credits every day for challenges/voting. You also get 5 free credits every day simply for signing up. 

You don’t even need credits as long as you use a base Stable Diffusion model for your images! That makes NightCafe truly and forever free. 

Of course, if you need more credits, you’ll have to purchase them. 

There are two recurring plans:

Nightcafe pricing plans

  • $4.79/month- 100 credits (~400 images)
  • $7.99/month- 200 credits/month. (~800 images)

NightCafe has an ongoing promotion and hence you get 50% bonus credits on each plan if you sign up today. 

There are other “non-recurring” plans, starting at $7.99 for 100 credits. These are one-time credit packs that aren’t billed repeatedly. Although, these cost double the recurring plans so I’d suggest you avoid them. 

NightCafe review-Final verdict

Time for my personal opinion then? I feel NightCafe is the best “bang for buck”. As in, it offers the most features considering what it charges. 

It’s definitely one of the cheapest AI image generators out there. Its dozens of models and styles certainly do not reflect that. And then, the advanced prompt builders make everyone an artist.

Being honest? There just aren’t enough points for me to complain about. Of course, you can (and should) have a different opinion.

Go sign up, use NightCafe (cause it’s free) and form a better opinion than what I can offer you on this NightCafe review. 

The Best Superhero Of The Team Name Generator For Games

The Best Superhero Of the team name generator For Games

From the 1930s superheroes have been thought to be a very lucrative business, getting millions of dollars in for collector things, blockbuster hits, and amazing stories. The fantastic comic book sold for more than $2.16 million in 2011 and is thought to be the beginning book of the superhero category. Here is a bunch of superhero team names to help promote the creation of your team name.

So if you are stumped when it arrives in superhero team names, whether they are the alpha-team or the underdogs, this list is where you might discover the perfect team name.

Superhero Team Names

The Aberrations

The Angels

The Arachnid Crusaders

The Augmented Alliance

The Aura Clan

The Behemoth Heroes

The Blitz Guards

The Cardinal Marvels

The Champions

The Coverts

The Crisis Troopers

The Crux Force

The Custodian Centurions

The Demon Witch

The Destiny Knights

The Divine Allies

The Eerie Masters

The Elite

The Enigma Centurions

The Enigmas

The Freak Watch

The Future League

The Galaxy Defenders

The Global Guardians

The Goliaths

The Guardians

The Infernals

The Infinity Squadron

The Inventions

The Ironclad Crusaders

The Justice Defenders

The Maestros

The Maroon Alliance

The Maroons

The Mirage Troopers

The Mirages

The Myriad Oracles

The Nebulas

The Nightmares

The Omega Battalion

The Omegas

The Oracles

The Paradox Outcasts

The Paramount Watch

The Phantom Oracles

The Phenomenon Syndicate

The Pinnacle Rebels

The Pioneers

The Primal Marvels

The Prodigy Pack

The Revelation Rangers

The Shadow Centurions

The Shadow Rangers

The Shepherd Pack

The Silent Ones

The Skirmish Heroes

The Sovereign Soldiers

The Spectrals

The Storm Force

The Storm Knights

The Terra Syndicate

The Thunders

The Trinities

The Vagrant Outcasts

The Vigilante Custodians

The Vindicators

The Void Unit

The Whispers

The Wings

The Wonders

Villain Team Names

In contrast to superhero team names, you also need a name for your villain team that promotes just how despicable they are. So here are a handful of villain team names you can select from.

The Aberrations

The Blood Oracles

The Cobra Heroes

The Cobras

The Crackerjacks

The Crazed

The Daemon League

The Deviations

The Devils

The Feral Squad

The Fiends

The Flux Fighters

The Freak Brawlers

The Infernal Knights

The Infernal Legion

The Infernals

The Inferno Guardians

The Jackal Squad

The Lunatics

The Malevolent

The Marauders

The Nemeses

The Omens

The Outcasts

The Riot Wings

The Supreme Rebels

The Vagabonds

The Vagrants

The Vipers

The Wretched

All-Star Squadron

Alpha Flight

Birds of Prey

Challenger Patrol

Chief Rebels

Covert Alliance



Defenders of the Earth


Doom Patrol



Fantastic Force

Fantastic Four

Force Works

Freedom Fighters


Gen 13

Generation X

Gotham City Sirens

Green Lantern Corps

Guardians of the Galaxy


Heroes for Hire


Infinity Inc.


Justice League

Justice Machine

Justice Society Of America

Kickers, Inc.

Maestro Soldiers


Metal Men

New Mutants


Nova Unit

Omega Men



Power Pack

Secret Avengers

Secret Six

Sentinels of Magic

Seven Soldiers

Shadow Cabinet



Squadron Supreme


T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents

Teen Titans

The Authority

The Avengers

The Defenders

The Golems

The Heralds

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

The Lunatics

The Strangers

The Suicide Squad

The Watchman


Trinity Angels




Wild C.A.T.S

World Watch




Young Justice

Zoo Crew

In the past years, the top-selling comics are notified to be The Amazing Spider-Man and Batman. While the fantastic and well-renowned stories and graphics get readers from across the world, Iron man and Spider-Man can be thought to be the top-selling superhero films. The below infographic outlines the topmost financial statistics of the superhero industry.

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